chapter 13

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When Fourth left Phuwin's apartment the next day, he left with a heavy heart. He wanted to be supportive of Phuwin because the older deserved all the love in the world because in Fourth's eyes, he was simply amazing. Fourth wanted to give Phuwin all the love he desired. He wanted to be the one Phuwin desired. He knew those thoughts were selfish. He had Gemini, so it's only fair that Phuwin has someone who loved him as much as he loved Gemini.

He loved Phuwin so much that he couldn't describe it with words. He was scared that maybe just maybe Phuwin would realise that maybe this polyamorous thing wasn't his thing. Why would anyone in their right state of mind want to choose to share someone when they can have one person who was theirs and only theirs alone?

He knew Pond could provide that for Phuwin. That Pond could be Phuwin's, and Phuwin can be Pond's. He knew he couldn't provide Phuwin the exclusivity he probably desired because as much as he loved Phuwin, he loved Gemini just as much. Gemini was made for him, perfectly crafted just for him. 

So he  knew that the night he had just spent in Phuwin's arms was probably the last. What hurt him the most, though, was how heartbroken Gemini was probably going to be because he had seen how close the two have gotten. He had seen how they had warmed up to each other and probably fell in love? And it was all his fault.

He couldn't go to his apartment, he couldn't be alone at the moment. His heart was breaking, and he needed comfort. The only person who could give that to him was Gemini. The very same person whose heart he was probably going to break.

Gosh! Fourth felt like such a selfish and horrible person. Had he been not selfish and fell in love with two men, he wouldn't be in this state. Had he been not selfish, he wouldn't have caused so many people he cared about to suffer.

The moment Gemini saw Fourth, he knew something was wrong. Fourth looked pale, and his eyes were red rimmed.

"Fotfot?" Gemini asked softly, eyes knitted in concern.

"Gem..." Fourth replied, his voice shaky and a little croaky. He told himself that he wasn't going to cry again, but the moment he saw Gemini, the tears just began pouring out again.

Gemini enveloped him into a hug, slowly carding his fingers through his hair. Fourth tightened his grip around Gemini's torso.

"I think Hia Phuwin is going to break up with us." Fourth said softly in between sobs.

Gemini didn't say anything in response, but Fourth could feel him stiffen a bit before Gemini tightened his hold on him, pulling closer to his chest. Fourth felt a soft kiss on his head, and he buried his face in Gemini's chest, not caring if he stained his shirt with tears and snort.

Fourth must have fallen asleep somewhat during the whole thing. He didn't remember much. Everything was a blur if he was being honest with himself. He woke up with Gemini gently carding his hair, long fingers gently scratching his scalp. He let out a sigh, and a small smile yet sad smile graced his lips.

"Hey... you are awake?" Gemini asked softly, and Fourth nodded.

"Are you okay now? Wanna tell me exactly what happened?" Gemini coaxed, still running his fingers through his hair.

Fourth explained what happened to Gemini, who listened attentively, humming here and there. Gemini seemed to take the news quite well.

"Fotfot... whatever happens. It's okay. We want Hia Phuwin happy, even if it's not with us, right? Besides we have each other, we will always have each other." Gemini said softly, and Fourth nodded, feeling slightly better.

When they ended up talking with Phuwin after a few days, they ended up breaking up or taking a break, which really means you are breaking up because people don't just take breaks and get back together.  Gemini took the whole break up thing really well, much to Fourth's relief. They promised to be friends, and they cared for each other after all.

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