chapter 17

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Gemini noticed that Fourth didn't speak about the meeting with Phuwin. He doesn't tell him how it went or how it ended up. All he knew was that Fourth was emotional that day with eyes red-rimmed and demanded extra cuddles, which Gemini was happy to give.

The next day, Fourth was back to his old self, all smiles and laughter. Never once did he mention Phuwin. Gemini didn't also ask because he believed if Fourth wanted to talk about it, he would. So life kept going.

He noticed that the two didn't actively avoid each other. They would greet each other politely with a look akin to longing in their eyes but didn't speak further. He noticed that they were able to exist in each other's orbit but never really actively spoke to each other. Gemini still didn't ask because if Fourth wanted to talk about it, he would.

Things seemed much better than before as they were able to hang out together as friends and joke around almost like the old times. The only difference is that Fourth would be extra clingy but less flirty with him. Still, when they hang out, Phuwin and Fourth didn't directly talk to each other, and when they caught each other's eyes, the longing was there but also something that looked like resignation.

Gemini wouldn't say that they looked sad either, more like they were at peace if that even makes sense. This only made him even more curious as to what really went down between the two. It's not like Gemini didn't trust Fourth. On the contrary, he trusted Fourth with his life, with his soul and very essence. So if the two were back together, surely Fourth would tell him, right?

As the time went by, he noticed that whenever Fourth and Phuwin would hang out, either Satang, Mark, Joong, or any of their friends would be around. Whenever they would talk to each other, it would be through other people. Which was weird, right? Why couldn't they just text each other, call, or better yet, just talk face to face as they see each other almost all the time at the company?

Gemini tried to put the issue to rest and not mind it anymore. It had been almost 3 months since that night, and Fourth seemed happier, so whatever happened worked. Gemini loved seeing Fourth happy because he genuinely did love Fourth.

Fourth was happy, or at least he looked happy, and Gemini was satisfied with that. Or at least he tried to be, but he couldn’t help but see the looks that Phuwin would exchange with each other, the subtle smiles they would share. Gemini knows he could be jealous. He knows this, but he decides that he will trust Fourth. It's not like Fourth would cheat on him, right?

Yet he couldn't help this feeling like he didn't know something. Like there was this huge secret that he wasn't in on, and it annoyed him. He wouldn't mind it even if Phuwin and Fourth were back together, Heck for months, he had been sharing Fourth with Phuwin, and he didn't mind it. What he did mind was Fourth keeping things from him. Relationship was based on open communication and mutual trust. He tried to trust Fourth, but the evidence was clear. Fourth was keeping secrets from him.

Fourth was cheating on him. It explained everything. How he had changed since that night he met up with Phuwin, how he was doting on him. Was all the affection Fourth showing him out of guilt? Was any of it real? Fourth was supposed to be his zhiji, the person who knew his soul. Fourth was supposed to be his person. Yet how could he be now? Gemini felt like he couldn't trust Fourth anymore. He didn't even know who Fourth was anymore.

Slowly, he grew resentful of Fourth. Seeing him with Phuwin even if they were with other people made him angry. It made him so angry he felt like he couldn't contain it anymore. How could Fourth do this to him? The person he claimed to love. Didn't Fourth trust him? Gemini needed to talk to someone. Anyone. Preferably someone who wasn't involved in any of this.

He couldn't talk to Mark or Satang, as much as they were his friends, and he knows that they truly care about him. Their loyalty is and has always been with Fourth. He needed to talk with someone who was neutral, not personally involved in this whole mess. He couldn't talk to Joong or Dunk because he knew they would definitely confront Phuwin about this, their loyalties laid with Pond and Phuwin to a certain extent.

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