chapter 19

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Gemini doesn't know how long he had been sitting on the pavement. It could have been minutes, or it could have been hours. What he does know is that he has left dozens of voicemail messages to Fourth and sent a dozen even more texts begging for Fourth to come back. His head hurts, his stomach is in knots, and he might actually throw up.

He doesn't know how long he has been there. He doesn't even know when or how long he has been crying before Phiwin found him. At first, he doesn't even register Pond's presence until Phuwin urges the older to give Gemini a jacket because it's freezing.

He barely registers the walk to Pond's care or the drive to their apartment. His eyes feel heavy, and his head hurts. It hurts so much that he could bare keep his eyes open. The only thing running through his head is for Fourth to be safe and constantly chanting "I am sorry" over and over.

Phuwin leads him up the stairs to his apartment because the elevator seems to be out of service for some reason. Gemini allows himself to be led and allows himself to rest some of his weight on Phuwin. Phuwin is so patient, so kind with him, and even helps him take off his shoes and jacket as he enters their apartment.

"P'Pond, please make some tea for Gem." He hears Phuwin ask Pond as Phuwin leads him to sit on the couch.

Phuwin doesn't say anything. He just sits there and holds him. The older is a comforting weight besides Gemini. Patient, kind, and comforting. Gemini doesn't know if he deserves any of it. He doesn't know if he deserves Phuwin's comforting affection as he holds him close, gently carding a hand through his hair. He doesn't know if he deserves Phuwin's soothing words as he tells him that everything will be fine.

Eventually, Pond brings a pot of tea and 3 cups and sits beside him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder with Phuwin still holding him in his embrace. They don't ask questions. They just let him be. They let him exist, only providing a comforting presence, and for that, he is grateful. He wouldn't even know what to say, how to explain how fucked up.

He manages to get ahold of himself enough to drink the chamomile tea Pond has brewed. Phuwin sits close to him, putting a comforting hand on his knee, occasionally squeezing it for reassurance. As if reminding him of his presence, as if telling him that he is not alone. As he drinks the tea provided for him, they still don't ask questions. Opting to silently support him.

After some time has passed Phuwin leads him to the guest bedroom, providing him with a change of clothes and an extra toothbrush.

"Just let me know if you need anything." Phuwin tells him with a kind smile as he hands him extra towels. Gemini nods but says nothing and with that Phuwin leaves.

Gemini showers and changes into the clean clothes he has been provided. He tries a few more times to get ahold of Fourth even though he knows it will be useless. It's almost 4am in the morning and Fourth, wherever he is must be sleeping. Gemini pray that Fourth was safe, he wouldn't be able to live with himself otherwise.

Gemini doesn't really know when he fell asleep but when he wakes up the sun is already beaming through the windows and he could hear some movements around the house albeit softly. Perhaps Pond and Phuwin don't want to wake him up, they have always been considerate like that. He forces himself out of the bed to wash his face and brush his teeth.

"G'morning." He says as he walks into the kitchen where he finds Pond and Phuwin whispering among themselves.

"Morning. Sleep well?" Pond greets with a polite smile, although worry paints his features. Gemini manages a small smile and nods.

"Morning. Coffee or tea?" Phuwin greets already moving to switch on the kettle as if he already knows Gemini is going to ask for tea.

"Tea would be nice. Thank you." Gemini answers settling himself on the stool by the kitchen counter.

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