chapter 6

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"You want this?" Gemini sat up and grabbed his cock. Fourth's eyes hungrily ran over him. How did he not know about this beautiful monster of a cock his boyfriend was hiding from him. Fourth nodded his head frantically, losing his voice.

Gemini spread one of his legs wider and slapped his cock head against him repeatedly.

Yes! God Yes!

"More, Gem!"

He lined up. Fourth stopped him, "Wait, we need... oh you put on a condom and lubed?"

"I'm always prepared," Gemini winked at him, and pushed against his entrance.


"I don't know how I'm going to last. You're so damn tight," Gemini strained as his eyes were glued to where he entered Fourth. His head popped through my ring of muscle. "Fuck, my cock looks good in your little hole."

Fourth wrapped his legs around Gemini's back. Fourth's arms were wrapped around Phuwin's neck as his big hands molded to his pecs. Fourth sucked on Phuwin's tongue as he swirled it in his mouth.

As Gemini pumped into him harder, Phuwin kissed down to suck on his nipples. Fourth reached for Phuwin's cock and stroked him.

Gemini shoved his cock as far in as it could go and grinded in circles. Fourth could feel the pressure inside him building fast! Gemini rubbed the head of his dick, ugh yes, and pumped into him fiercely. Fourth's hole squeezed around him, he felt even bigger.

Fourth's climax hit hard, and Gemini fucked him through his orgasm until he grunted and stilled for his own.

"My turn, angel." Gemini and Phuwin switched spots. Phuwin already had a condom on and lifted Fourth's legs over his shoulders. He lifted him up to settle him on Gemini's lap, whose continued hard on nestled between his ass cheeks and he hugged him from behind, running his hands over his sides and all over his body.

Phuwin rubbed Fourth's dick. "Ah I'm sensitive!" Fourth groaned and he gentled but continued.

Phuwin fingered him, scissoring, and he clenched. "You're still so tight." With his other hand, Phuwin gathered Fourth's precum and licked them off his fingers. "Want the taste of you on my lips as I fuck you."

Fourth returned his gaze and whined. He was so ready to go again.

Phuwin pushed through the initial resistence then slipped in, Fourth's hole sucking him in. He set a punishing pace. Fourth ran his hands over Phuwin's chest and arms. Phuwin's fucking rammed Fourth's ass against Gemini's cock. Gemini bit Fourth's neck and sucked. Fourth's head fell back. Phuwin did a few long slow strokes then rammed his hole hard. Fourth cried out. He circled his arms behind him, needing something to hold onto. Fourth's dick flopped around between them.

Phuwin repeated. He pumped into Fourth long and steady then quick hard pumps over and over again. He was over sensitive and his  entire body felt aflame. Phuwin jerked his dick. Fourth pulled Gemini's hair as his orgasm hit, hard and long, stars behind his eyes. Fourth felt Geminis cum splash against his backside, and Phuwin lifted his hips up higher for his final thrusts, stuttered, then orgasmed. Phuwin dropped on him.

Fourth was content and warm, sandwiched between these two crazy and incredibly hot guys.

Gemini broke the silence of their panting breaths. "P'Phuwin, you're heavy, get off."

Fourth immediately went to move. "Sorry! I forgot you're at the bottom of this dog pile," he laughed.

Gemini replied, "No, just P'Phuwin's heavy. You can stay on me as long as you want. Round three?"

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