chapter 15

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Gemini knew that agreeing to set up his boyfriend with Pond's boyfriend would be a crazy idea, but Pond's suggestion is just pure insanity.

"P'Pond, are you crazy?" Gemini asks incredulous.

"It's the best possible idea I can think of without any of them running away." Pond argues receiving a long suffering sigh from Gemini.

"I get that, but we just can't lock them in a room hoping they will talk eventually. Also, I think that might be illegal." Gemini counters.

"I am pretty sure it's not illegal. It will only be for an hour at most." Pond states. To Gemini's dismay, the older actually looks serious.

Out of all ideas the older could come up with, this is his brilliant plan? Gemini wonders if the other thought this through because the whole thing is simply ridiculous. Not only that, if he locks up Fourth in a room without his consent, he will have to face his wrath. The last thing Gemini wants is to be at the receiving end of Fourth's wrath.

Fourth is pretty scary when he is angry, and Gemini wants none of it.

Besides being scared of his angry boyfriend, Gemini also doesn't want to put Fourth in a vulnerable situation. Even if it's for his own good.

"How about we think of something else that doesn't involve us parent-trapping our boyfriends." Gemini suggests, raking his hand through his hair.

"Parent what now?" Pond asks, his face one of confusion.

"Parent-trapping? You know, like the movie?" Gemini says like it's the most obvious thing, but judging by Pond's still confused expression. Gemini sighs and clarifies.

"The movie 'Parents trap', starring Lindsey Lohan."

Pond still keeps looking at him with a confused expression. How does he not know the movie?

"I have no idea what you are talking about." Pond says, looking at him without  blinking, genuine confusion painting his features.

"Seriously? Remind me to show it to you at movie night." Gemini says.

"Okay, cool. So do you have any suggestions? Other than 'parent-trapping' them?" Pond asks, using his fingers as air-quotes when saying parent-trapping. Gemini just rolls his eyes at that.

"Well, yeah, how about we just talk to them? You know? Like normal people." Gemini says, receiving another unblinking confused look like he said something impossible.

"Talk to them?" Pond asks like he didn't think about it before, and judging by his expression, Gemini thinks it's true.

With a sigh, Gemini responds, "Phi, I get that we want them to talk it out and fix this whole thing, but at the end of the day, the choice is still theirs. We can't force this upon them."

"I guess you are right. God! This is frustrating." Pond responds, raking his hand through his hair in a frustrated gesture.

"I know how you feel. Look, let's just talk to them and leave it at that. We don't need to do anything crazy. I will talk to Fourth, and you handle P'Phuwin." Gemini says, and Pond nods.

They continue their lunch, and Gemini explains the whole plot of Parents' trap to Pond. Shortly after, they part ways.

Gemini doesn't know how he will begin to have this conversation with Fourth. Since the break up, they haven't really spoken about Phuwin. And at the mention of Phuwin's name, Fourth just tenses up. He really doesn't want to do this, but Pond is right. Maybe not about getting back together, but he does have a point about those two talking, whatever this situation is out.

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