chapter 2

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It's been a week since Phuwin and him kissed. It has also been a week since he has last seen Phuwin. It's not like he is avoiding him. They're just really busy. Phuwin left to go to Japan with the others, Gemini included on some concert for some of the GMM artists.

So Fourth's schedule is clear, he only had some university stuff he had to do but other than that he decided to spend the day with his favourite phi, Satang (although he won't say it outloud because Mark can get pretty jealous). Satang has been so cool and hasn't been asking him about his date (it was totally a date and fourth still can't believe it) with Phuwin. This is why Satang was his favourite phi.

They spent the day at the arcade, and Satang spent 3 hours with him, helping him choose the perfect guitar. He ended up choosing the same one as Gemini, colour, and brand. It's nothing weird, though. It's just that Gemini has really good taste.

"So... how are things between you and Gemini?" Satang asked once they reached his condo. Fourth, I decided to sleep over at Satang's place. Now, with the line of questioning, he thinks he might have made a mistake.

"Same old, same old. He is really excited about performing in Japan. He sent me like a gazillion texts, you know how he is." Fourth replied, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. He knows what Satang was meaning with the question, and he will not give him the answer he is clearly probing for.

Fourth doesn’t want to talk about his feelings for Gemini, which are still obviously there after he shared a heart melting kiss with Phuwin just a week ago. He is still figuring out his feelings. Thank you very much.

"Okay." Satang says and proceeds to change the topic to a more pleasant one. This is why he is Fourth's favourite phi. If it was Mark, he would have gone all, Dr. Phil on him.

Well, Satang was his favourite until he decided to have a live with none other than Phuwin and Gemini. It was so awkward for Fourth to see the two men he is obviously into in the same frame. They even look more alike without all the make-up and fancy clothes.

Maybe Fourth does have a type after all.

So that's how Fourth ended up singing a song for Gemini on IG live. Thanks for nothing, Satang. Well, not that he minded. The problem was that Phuwin was just there. Phuwin, who took Fourth out on a date and kissed him so soft and tender. And what was Fourth doing? Singing and playing guitar for another man.

To be fair, though, the other man in question is also the love of his life.

So you might wonder if Gemini is the love of his life. What about his feelings for Phuwin? Well, they are still there alive and going strong. In fact, when the others joined in on the live and Gemini was distracted, Phuwin ended up texting Fourth, and he was so cute. They even ended up facetiming each other.

Phuwin didn't even ask him about the song he sang for Gemini or even show a hint of jealousy. Which was a relief for Fourth, because he didn't find jealousy attractive unless it's Gemini. To Fourth anything Gemini did was hot as fuck.

Phuwin made him blush profusely that he couldn't even hide it from Satang. The older was so smooth, really good with his words and everything he said made Fourth's insides do somersaults.

So Fourth was still in the same predicament.  In love with two men, or at least he thinks he was in love with two men. He knew for sure that he was in love with Gemini, it was Phuwin he wasn't sure of. Yes he was deeply infatuated with the older, but was it love? He knew how Phuwin made him feel, he loved spending time with him and he loved how the older made him feel. So could it be considered love?

Was it possible to be in love with two people at once?

"So nong Fot, are you and Phuwin a thing?" Satang asked coming across nonchalantly, but Fourth knew it's just Satang bring nosy without seeming nosy.

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