chapter 7

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Fourth, thought maybe he might get jealous of Gemini's relationship with Phuwin, but it has been the opposite. They are so good to him, always doting on him. Gemini has become increasingly clingy, not only with him but with Phuwin as well.

The sex as well has been amazing. They don't always have sex all three of them at the same time. Sometimes, Fourth would have sex with Gemini alone or with Phuwin alone. He isn't sure if Phuwin and Gemini have had sex without him, but he has seen them kiss, and it was better than anything he could've imagined, truly fulfilling his fantasies.

Gemini sometimes gets jealous over Pond and Phuwin, which is the cutest thing Fourth has ever seen. Fourth doesn’t get jealous, though... okay, maybe he gets a bit jealous, but Phuwin always gives him kisses to make him feel better.

They are not hiding their relationship, but they are not advertising it either. Dunk and Joong think they were joking whereas Mark and Satang are suspecting something, but Fourth has yet to confirm or deny anything.

Pond probably knows, but that's because he is Pond's partner and best friend. They usually try to meet up for dinner at least once a week where they would serenade Fourth, watch movies, and basically just hang out. Phuwin is the calmer one in the relationship, whereas Gemini is the more energetic one. Fourth, on the hand is the more neutral one, although his boyfriends call him the cute one.

Fourth was in love, deeply and madly in love with both his boyfriends. He loved Gemini's free spirit, wild and free. He loved Phuwin's calm demeanour and his passive aggressiveness. He would sometimes try to annoy Phuwin to get him mad, but he just ends up kissing him because he finds him adorable, but it's still a win in Fourth's books.

The one time Fourth saw Phuwin placating Gemini after he got jealous over Phuwin and Pond's skinship. It was so cute and endearing to watch.

"There's nothing you to be jealous about, baby. You're the cutest." Phuwin had said, pinching his cheeks.

"Fotfot's is the cute one. And I am not jealous." Gemini had replied, but he was pouting, which made Phuwin and Fourth coo over him.

"Of course you are not." Phuwin had said and gave Gemini a chaste kiss.

So overall, they are making their relationship work.

Obviously, the company and their managers don't know about their relationship, and they don't feel like letting them know. Their relationship is theirs and theirs alone.

"He totally is jealous, hia Phuwin. And Ai'Gem, I am not the cute on, I am the handsome one. You are totally cute, Gem, especially when you get jealous like that." Fourth said to his boyfriends.

"That’s it! This is war now." Gemini said before chasing Fourth around Phuwin's apartment.

Phuwin watched fondly as his boyfriends wrestled before going off to cook them dinner. He never could've guessed that he would one day end up in a relationship with not only Fourth but Gemini as well.

Fourth and Gemini have always been a package deal. They were going to end up either way. It was sort of inevitable. The two suited each other. They were like two peas in a pod. Phuwin was just happy to be included in their love. That he gets to be a part of them.

"Hia Phuwin!!!" Fourth ran towards him to hide behind him from Gemini.

"Hiding behind hia Phuwin is against the rules, Ai'Fot!" Gemini pouted.

"Wasn't stated!" Fourth retorted.

"But -"

"Stop it, you two, and set the table. I am almost done cooking dinner." Phuwin scolded gently, cutting Gemini off.

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