chapter 5

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Fourth is having a crisis! After the last day of the LOL concert and Fourth witnessed Gemini and Phuwin singing together in perfect harmony. He cannot get the image of his perfectly perfect boyfriends together. They had so much chemistry it was the sexiest thing he had ever seen, and now the image was taunting him.

It didn't help that Gemini and Phuwin are always together everytime they are at Grammy. Fourth supposes it's a good thing his boyfriends get along. It was not however got for his sanity.

People have somewhat guessed that he was with Gemini because they weren't really being discreet about it, especially since Gemini is clingy by nature. What they didn't know and couldn't have guessed was his relationship with Phuwin.

Phuwin wasn't the clingy type, he would occasionally give Fourth back hugs or cheek kisses but overall he wasn't really tactile.

"You and Phuwin get along really well." Dunk mentions it while they all gathered for lunch one day.

"Yeah right!" Joong agrees, of course Joong agrees because the man agrees with Dunk on everything. Dunk would say the sky is pink and Joong would wholeheartedly agree. They are so in love it was sickening.

"Well obviously he would get along with Fourth. It's his boyfriend." Pond says nonchalantly, paying more attention to his meal than them.

Joong and Dunk stare at Pond, then at Fourth who tried to school his expression into the same nonchalance expression Pond is displaying.

"What do you mean boyfriend?" Dunk asked, his deep baritone voice a little high pitched.

Pond looks at Fourth to either deny or confirm the news as if he wasn't the one who started this whole thing. It's not a surprise to Fourth that Pond knows, Phuwin probably told him. They are best friends after all, and it's not like they are hiding it or whatever. It's just Fourth didn't think he will need to explain any of this to his friends, he doesn't even know where he will begin.

"I thought Gemini was your boyfriend... or did I read the situation wrong?" Joong asked carefully looking at Fourth.

"Mn." Fourth confirms, he could already feel the tip of his ears burning, probably pink by now.

Right at that moment as if on cue, Phuwin comes along to join them. He greets everyone there with a polite nod and proceeds to give Fourth a kiss on the cheek. Phuwin's lips are always so soft and warm on Fourth's skin.

"I missed you." Phuwin says softly in Fourth's ear that leaves his ears burning and Fourth is certain that his cheeks have turned crimson.

Phuwin always makes him feel giddy and leaves him blushing.

"Mn... I missed you too." Fourth replies softly.

Joong and Dunk are gaping at them, jaws metaphorically on the floor.

"Wait! Wait! Are you guys for real?" Dunk asked, clearly trying to process everything. Joong is somewhat speechless.

"What?" Phuwin asks with his brows furrowed as if he just wasn't looking at Fourth with the softest expression ever.

"I kinda told them you and Fourth were a thing." Pond replies, looking a little guilty.

"Oh yeah. We are." Phuwin simply answers. He scoots closer to Fourth and grabs the younger's drink and takes a sip.

"What about Gemini?" Joong blurts out, obviously still confused. Fourth can't blame them. He did afterall confirm that he was Gemini's boyfriend a few minutes ago.

"Oh talking about Gemini. He said to let you know that he will pick you up for your date tonight. He would call but something is up with his phone." Phuwin says to Fourth. Again looking at Fourth as if he is the most precious thing in the room.

My Boyfriends- A Polyamorous Love AffairWhere stories live. Discover now