chapter 23

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"So Fot and Gem made up." Pond says, looking at Phuwin curiously.

Gemini and Fourth had finally made up thank the heavens. Their little fight had given almost everyone grey hairs and aged them a bit. Well, everyone who knew about them, but anyways the point is their little break up was giving almost everyone sleepless nights, for Phuwin's case literally because the younger had barely slept while those two were fighting.

"Yeah, they have." Phuwin replies to his attention on the book he is currently pretending to read. Pond knows that Phuwin is pretending to read because he has been stuck on the same page for almost 10 minutes now. He does that to avoid talking.

He knows what Pond wants to talk about, and he is trying to stall it as long as possible. It's not like Pond is eager to talk about this, too, but it's sort of inevitable at this point. Gemini and Fourth work at the same industry and company as them. They are bound to meet up sooner or later.

"It's great... so what are you going to do now?" Pond asks directly because he knows if he tried being vague about it, Phuwin would find a way to get out of this conversation.

"About what?" Phuwin asks nonchalantly, finally turning the page in the guise of reading, but Pond knows that Phuwin retained probably nothing of the words he has been staring at for the past 10 minutes or so.

"Don't play dumb Phu... with your level of IQ, it's impossible for you to not know exactly what I am talking about." Pond replies, and he can see Phuwin's gaze shift and turns the page again after less than a minute looking through it, and Pond is positive that Phuwin is definitely not reading that book.

"Drop it, P'Pond. I don't want to talk about it." Phuwin says aggressively, turning the page again.

As much as Pond wants to drop this whole situation, he can't. It's not only about the conversation he accidentally eavesdropped. It's about little things he has been remembering about his past conversations with Phuwin pre-relationship. It's the fact that Phuwin once gushed about how much he loved Gemini and Fourth. One time, he had told him that he couldn't imagine his life without them.

If he had felt that strongly about that, surely those feelings have not disappeared, right? And with the way Phuwin had been acting, he clearly wasn't over them, so at this point. Pond feels like this a matter to just be dropped and ignored. What are they supposed to do now? Act awkward around each other when forced to be in the same social setting and avoid each other the rest of the time, like some people in the company?

Pond won't have that, especially since the other two are connected with their lives in more ways than one. Their friends are practically their friends as well. Their pseudo parents, Tay and New, have the same manager as them , so whichever way you look at it, they are bound to be forced to be in the same social setting.

"I can't just drop it, Phuwin. Are you planning on pretending like this thing isn't an issue?" Pond asks, but Phuwin being as stubborn as he is keeps quiet and turns the page again on the book he is supposedly reading.

"You know you once told me how much you love them. That you can't imagine your life without them." Pond says, and he sees Phuwin still just momentarily before he resumes to flip the page again, keeping his mouth tightly sealed.

"Did you not mean that?" Pond asks, and he is not expecting an answer from the younger. He knows Phuwin by now. "I know you must be wondering why can't I just drop the matter, but I feel like if you are not being true to yourself, how can you ever be true with me?" Pond says, and this gets a reaction from the younger as Phuwin finally abandons the book he was clearly not reading and giving Pond his attention.

"I am always truthful with you, Pond." Phuwin says with a grave expression.

"Maybe you are just not truthful with yourself." Pond says, feeling slightly slightly petty. He knows he is being unfair right now, but he can't help it.

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