chapter 22

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Objectively speaking, Fourth should have been prepared to see Gemini again. That was the whole point of this dinner orchestrated by Tay and New. He should have been able to brace himself for the conversation he was about to have. As a matter of fact, he had prepared a whole speech in his heard on how the conversation was going to go.

However, right now, standing in front of Gemini, his beautiful brown eyes that held the constellations glistening with unshed tears, his mind went blank. How could it not, though? When Gemini just said something so insane yet so incredibly sweet like that?

"I am sorry I was a fool. I was stupid, and I should have spoken to you instead of jumping to conclusions like that. But baby, please don't leave me. How can I be without you? How can I possibly continue to exist in a world where you are not mine? You are my forever Fotfot? Not even the concept of death could keep us apart. No grave can hold my body down, I would just crawl back home to you." Gemini had said holding both of Fourth's hands into his.

"You are insane..." Fourth had managed to say, although his voice wasn't very stable and was cracking a bit.

"I know..." Gemini had replied with his own shaky voice.

"And an absolute idiot." Fourth said with a wet chuckle. He was absolutely not going to cry.

"Your idiot." Gemini had responded with a wet chuckle of his own.

"And I love you." Fourth had said.

"To the moon and back." Gemini had responded.

Now, this was all embarrassing, well, at least in Fourth's opinion. He was just glad that the others had the decency to leave them alone and give them a much needed privacy, although he is certain that Off, Tay, and New are definitely eavesdropping on them now. He will give Gun the benefit of the doubt because Gun was his favorite, and yes, Fourth was very biased when it came to Gun.

"I would kiss you right now, but I am pretty certain P'Tay, P'New, and P'Off are eavesdropping on us, right?" Fourth said, chuckling a little bit.

"Oh, they definitely are." Gemini agreed.

"No, we are not." Fourth heard a voice that sounded very similar to New's.

"Hin! You are not supposed to say that." Fourth heard a voice he was certain was Tay's say.

"We are definitely not eavesdropping!" He heard Off's slightly pitched voice say.

"Peng! What is wrong with you two? Come, let's go." Fourth heard Tay scold and some shuffling from behind the closed guestroom door.

"I can safely assume no one is spying on us any longer?" Gemini said with a smile that was devastating. Gemini looked into his eyes, earthy hues was his soul, not in they way of those cheesy romance novels, so obsessed with lust, but with the kind of beauty that expands a moment into a personal eternity, a heaven you wish to be a part of.

"I believe so." Fourth said softly, still mesmerized by the beauty of Gemini, of Gemini's smile and most importantly of Gemini's eyes. In those brown eyes was the warmth of an everlasting hearth, as if they were the wood that could burn with golden flame yet be forever perfectly entire.

"If you keep looking at me like that, I am going to kiss you." Gemini said softly, only loud enough for Fourth to hear. He, too, seemed to be in some kind of trance.

"Please do." Fourth replied.

"I love you so much,” he said quietly, and Fourth smiled at him with a hundred words behind his eyes.

Just as quickly as Fourth's hands laced with his, Gemini kissed him. Fourth responded with such enthusiasm that he could tell that Gemini was taken aback at first, but regained his composure and it seemed like he was reminding himself of what was happening; he was really kissing Fourth and Fourth was kissing him, and the world around them was meaningless.

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