chapter 20

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"Nong'Fot?" The person asked, worry marking their face as they looked at Fourth's tear stricken face.

"Phi..." That's all Fourth could say before before he broke down into heart-wrenching sobs.

"Oooh nong... it's okay." They enveloped Fourth into a hug, rubbing soothing circles on his back.

"Te! Who's at the door- oh what's going on?" Fourth heard New asked from where he was buried in the crook of Tay's neck.

"Hin... please make nong something to drink." Fourth heard Tay said as the older ushered him inside the house.

Fourth hadn't really planned on coming to Tay's house, he in fact didn't have a clear destination in mind. It must have been the need to talk to someone older and more experienced that probably drove him here. Tay and New's relationship hasn't been an easy or so Fourth has heard. Maybe his subconscious wanted him to go to someone who had experience on what complicated relationship were like and who better than Tay?

Maybe he could've gone to Nanon but then again the way Nanon and Ohm's relationship ended didn't really give him any comfort either so maybe his subconsciously decided it was better to come to someone who had an experience with complicated relationship that somewhat had a happy ending?

Not that he is expecting a happy ending, there's no happy ending in this scenario. The facts were clear, Gemini didn't trust him. Gemini thought so lowly of him that he thought he would betray him like that.

And maybe Fourth was angry. No. Not maybe. He was certain he was angry. Underneath all that hurt was anger. Anger that Gemini would even think of him like that. Didn't Gemini know him? After all of this time they have known each other, not as lovers but as friends. Didn't Gemini know that what he had accused Fourth of was not in his character? Had Gemini never known who he was all this time?

Fourth didn't know what to think or feel at this point. He in fact did not want to feel or think at this point. Everything hurt and he really didn't know how to make it stop. He wanted it to stop, even if it's just for a second. He just needed time to put his feelings aside and think.

"I made hot chocolate, with extra mini marshmallows." New said handing him the big cup of hot chocolate with pink and marshmallows on top. Fourth doesn't even recall how he got to the living room or when he sat on the couch.

He doesn't even recall when they had put the fluffy small blanket on his shoulders. The last thing he remembered was Tay hugging him and saying soothing words to him.

"Thank you P'New." Fourth said receiving the big cup from New.

"What's going on?" New asked and Fourth saw how Tay glared at New, then let out an exasperated sigh when New gave him his wide eyed innocent look in return.

"Hin... nong will tell us what's wrong when he us ready. Just give him time." Tay said as he fixed the fluffy blanket that Fourth had on his shoulders, making him more comfortable.

Fourth somehow thanked his subconscious for bringing him here because it didn't matter how much the situation he was in sucked, at least he managed to get to a place where he was safe and cared for.

"Te..." New whined. "I just wanted to know if we needed to beat someone up."

"As if you would beat anyone up." Tay grumbled. It would have been funny if he wasn't actually involved in this situation and if the person who was to be at the end of the beating was the love of his life.

Ugh! Fourth hated the fact that even after being hurt by Gemini and despite being so angry at him he still considered him the love of his life. And if he is being completely honest with himself he probably will always consider Gemini to be the love of his life.

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