chapter 4

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Fourth was definitely not freaking out! Okay, maybe he was a little, but who wouldn't if they had Gemini as a boyfriend? The guy was sweet, funny, intelligent, and absolutely hot.

Gemini was also the best person to ever live because even though Fourth was in love with another guy, that didn't stop him from showering Fourth with affection. Fourth has been kissed so many times that the ghost of Gemini's lips still lingers on his.

Gemini even encouraged Fourth to pursue Phuwin. He didn't even make it weird at all.

"I think you have a great taste in men, I mean, look at me. P'Phuwin is like my exact copy." Gemini had teased him.

"He is older than you, so technically, you are the exact copy of him." Fourth teased back.

Even though they were boyfriends officially, their friendship didn't change. They still bickered and teased each other as they usually did. Fourth would still shamelessly flirt with Gemini. The only difference now was that Gemini was totally aware this time and would flirt back. This would make Fourth flush beet-red, Gemini flirting back was definitely not good for his heart.

What was deadlier than Gemini's flirtations were his kisses. They left him weak in the knees, with his heart hammering dangerously in his chest.

Life was perfect! Well... almost perfect.

Fourth still had feelings for Phuwin. He couldn't deny them, and Phuwin, being so sweet and considerate, didn't make the feelings fade. His feelings for Phuwin would make him feel guilty sometimes because how could he possibly want to pursue another person while he already had a perfect boyfriend? However, because his boyfriend is perfect and deserves everything that is good in this world, he reassured Fourth.

"I am secure of my place in your life fotfot." Gemini had said and graced him with one of his earth-shattering kisses.

So that's was one of the reasons Fourth found himself pursuing Phuwin even though he had a perfectly perfect boyfriend.

"I don't think he needs much pursuing. The man is clearly into you." His perfectly perfect boyfriend had told him.

"How would you know?" Fourth had replied with a slight pout.

"Because I am into you. Anyone with a perfectly good set of eyes would totally be into you." Gemini had replied, kissing his pout away.

Gemini's reply had come out as a shock for Fourth because the guy was not only encouraging his boyfriend to pursue another guy but was flirting with him all in one sentence.

"Are you even human?" Fourth had to ask because there was no way someone that was human could be so perfect.

"I am as human as it gets." Gemini replied and gave Fourth a kiss on top of his head before he stood up and left a pleasantly confused Fourth.

Pursuing Phuwin was going to be hard for Fourth because he never had to pursue anyone other than Gemini in his life, and that was easy because Gemini was his best friend.

Also, Gemini said he fell for Fourth because he took really good care of him, and when he was in that 'caretaker' mode, it made him look hot, apparently. But taking care of Gemini and taking care of someone else wasn't the same.

Fourth,  took care of Gemini because it came naturally to him as breathing does.  They had been friends for so long that it kinda became routine to them, also Gemini was easy to take care of. He had the tastebuds of a child, meaning no spicy food, no vegetables, and a love for dessert, so it was easy to get him something to eat. He hated opening bottles with caps, so Fourth always did it for him. He needed constant praise and encouragement, which Fourth gave wholeheartedly.

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