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Everything that could have possibly gone wrong, went wrong the next day. Hungover, you slept through every single one of your alarms and only woke up at gone nine o'clock. You had torn yourself out of bed and raced to get ready, probably forgetting a vital bit of clothing in your hurry but you were too panicked to care. You probably looked like a mad woman sprinting through Newcastle town centre at half past nine in the morning but you ignored any weird looks, blinded by your tunnel vision.

It was almost quarter to when you reached the lecture theatre you were meant to be sitting in and in your rush, didn't think before you marched in. Suddenly, there were fifty pairs of eyes all trained on you, including that of your Professor, whose glare was unsettling. Your face flamed up and you began spluttering as you tried to produce your excuse but the attention had left you tongue-tied and embarrassed.

"Nice of you to join us, Miss Agnello," your Professor chided.

"I'm sorry, I slept late," you squeaked.

"I don't care why you were late. Take a seat, so I can resume the lecture you interrupted," he tutted, not bothering to wait until you sat down before he drawled on about the book you were studying.

You ducked your head and hurried up the stairs taking a seat next to Heidi, who watched you with a smirk, looking far fresher than you felt. You didn't entertain it, instead, grabbing your supplies from your bag and facing forwards to listen to the lecture.

"Late night?" Heidi teased quietly.

"I slept through my alarm," you murmured.

"Hungover?" she snorted.

"I have a headache from hell and I feel like I'm gonna be sick at any moment," you groaned.

"Miss Agnello, while you may not care to listen to my lecture, there are others in the class who want to," your Professor chided loudly.

You sink into your seat, wanting the ground to swallow you whole, and forced out a quiet, "Sorry, sir."

You didn't dare try to continue any sort of conversation for the rest of your lecture and you were thankful that Heidi didn't either, letting you focus, instead, on taking notes. You weren't used to being chastised by any of your teachers, usually the one they praised for being the model student. It seemed that you were turning into the complete opposite of yourself and you weren't quite sure you were a fan of it. Maybe you were a late bloomer, going through your rebellious teen phase during your twenties instead.

"I want your essays completed two weeks from today, no late submissions shall be considered," your Professor instructed, signalling the end of the class and prompting the lecture hall to begin packing away their things. They streamed out of the room in a steady flow, you and Heidi sticking with each other as you planned to walk to your next lecture together. "Miss Agnello, may I have a word?"

Your face heated up at his request but you agreed anyway, nodding shyly.

"I'll wait for yer ootside, pet," Heidi told you, glancing at you one last time before she vacated the lecture hall, letting the door close gently behind her and leaving you and your professor alone.

"I'm really sorry about today, sir, I had a late night last night and I slept through my alarm and I never go out or drink or-"

"Y/N," he interjected calmly, leaning back against his desk as he watched you curiously.

"Yes?" you squeaked, clutching your books closer to your chest.

"I've not asked you to stay behind to reprimand you any further, I think I covered that during the lecture," he spoke firmly.

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