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"Er, Y/N?" you heard your housemate call nervously, indicating that your presence was required at the door. You still refused to answer it but Stella's usual retorts about the fact had all but disappeared after the events of Saturday night.

With a sigh, you dragged yourself out of bed and shuffled into the living room to meet whoever was at the door. You should have anticipated who it was really, especially with Stella's anxious undertone but it wasn't like she hadn't carried it with her ever since she found out you were 'Sam's lass'. You didn't correct her, not wanting to explain the chaos of your current situation and just left it at that.

"Why are you here?" you asked blankly once Stella had scurried into her room to give the two of you some privacy.

"Yer canna expect me to not try and win yer back, little lamb," Sam snorted softly. He looked good, dressed in one of his expensive suits that was tailored perfectly to his proportions. The top few buttons of his shirt were undone, revealing wisps of his chest hair and the necklace you got him for Christmas. His wrist was adorned with a Rolex and his pinky finger wore his signet ring. It was practically staring you in the face with Sam's hands being curled around a gift box.

"I told you, I need space," you frowned, folding your arms across your chest and staring at him sternly.

"Aye but I've still got one more Christmas present to give yer," he smirked, holding up the box.

"Sam, you can't-"

You were cut off by a meow that was so quiet that you almost didn't hear it. Instinctively, you paused, focussing on the origin of the sound.

"I canna what?" he asked, raising his eyebrow but chewing on his bottom lip anxiously. To anyone else, he exuded confidence but you didn't miss his anxious tendencies and his jagged nails, which told you he had been biting them until he couldn't anymore.

"What's in the box?" you demanded, your eyes widening with realisation.

"Take the lid off and find oot," he smiled softly.

Your eyes never dropped his gaze as you lifted the lid from the box until movement inside stole it. "Are you serious?" you gaped.

"Merry Christmas, little lamb," he grinned.

"Did you really think this would work?" you scoffed, letting the hand holding the lid fall to your side. "Get me a kitten and all is forgiven?"

"That's not what this is," he frowned, deflated by your reaction. If he thought you were going to just run back into his arms because he got you a cat, he was sorely mistaken. "Little lamb, I've been planning this since the night yer told me you've always wanted a cat."

"Then why now?" you demanded.

"I went to view the litter not long after that night but she was only ready to leave her mother today," he explained softly. "I coulda just got a different one but I thought she was perfect for yer. I swear, Principessa, I'm not lying to ya. I've got the text messages to prove it."

The kitten propped itself up on the side of the box, resting its tiny paws on the top and peering its big blue eyes at you. You melted, reaching up a hand to stroke her and noticing the pink bow attached to her collar, similar to Marie's in Aristocats. She was mostly white with patches of grey and ginger on her fur.

"Hello, gorgeous," you cooed, carefully lifting the animal out of the box and settling her in your arms. She was absolutely tiny and even your small frame dwarfed hers massively. "God, she's so small."

"She's all yours, little lamb," Sam told you softly, stealing the lid of the box from you so your both hands were available to use.

"Sam, I can't take her..." you frowned, lifting your head to meet his gaze sorrowfully. "We're not allowed animals here."

Ride or Die | Sam Fender AUWhere stories live. Discover now