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"Is this seat taken?" a deep voice asked, stealing your attention from the mass of books on the table in front of you. Your head whipped towards the sound, falling on a man who looked to be in his early thirties. His hair was dark brown and he had striking blue eyes that made you feel like you knew him already but before you could reply, the man in question had taken the seat opposite you, leaving you in an awkward situation you didn't know how to address.

"O-oh," you stumbled, sinking into your own chair and focussing your attention on your book.

"I'm sorry, yer just looked like ya needed some company," he smirked, studying you carefully.

"I'm t-trying to study a-actually," you squeaked, feeling your cheeks flush with warmth.

"Yer canna take a little break like?" he grinned.


"I'm Liam," he interjected, hardly giving you the chance to reply.

"Y/N," you murmured shyly.

"Y/N," he repeated, testing your name on his tongue. "Beautiful name for a beautiful lass."

"Oh," you squeaked, avoiding his gaze. He was intimidating and you didn't know how to act, wanting nothing more than to leave but how could you? That would be rude. You had no way of escaping.

"Well, since we know each other now, Y/N, why don't ya tell me a bit about yer?" he grinned. "You're not from around here, are yer?"

"No, I'm from London," you told him quietly.

"Oh, she's a Southerner?" he teased. "Hope you're not as bad as they make 'em out to be."

"O-oh, I think I'm alright," you squeaked.

"Think?" he snorted, shaking his head at you in amusement. "Lass, yer gotta have a bit more confidence than that, I don't bite like."

"Sorry," you flushed.

"Again? What're yer apologising for?" he huffed. "I'm teasing ya."

"R-right," you mumbled.

"You're adorable," he grinned. His words flipped your stomach and you briefly wondered what Sam would have to say if he were around. You knew he could be possessive when he wanted to be and having a random man sitting himself at your table was more than enough cause for jealousy for him, especially when he was terming you with words like beautiful and adorable. "Watcha studying for?"

"I'm at uni, I've got exams coming up," you told him, more easily than you would have liked to admit.

"Uni, eh? So she's smart too," he smirked, his words turning your cheeks dark. "I'm guessing it's sommat to do with literature from all the books?" You nodded. "Yer strike me as a bookworm y'kna. Always got her head stuck in a book."

"Sounds about right," you laughed lightly, averting your gaze to your notebook.

"I don't blame ya, yer canna beat a good old book, can yer?" he grinned.

"You read?" you asked in shock.

"Who d'yer take us for? Of course I bloody read," he snorted, taking a sip of his coffee. "What's your favourite book?"

"Fahrenheit 451, yours?" you smiled. If there was one way to get you out of your shell, it was through talk of books.

"You're gan judge me," he groaned teasingly.

"It can't be that bad," you giggled quietly.

"Ham on Rye," he admitted, closing his eyes and dramatically peering through one to gauge your reaction.

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