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"Hello, little lamb," Sam greeted through the phone.

"Hi," you murmured shyly, staring down at the box before you, wondering where you were going to start this conversation.

"Aren't yer supposed to be in your lectures?" he wondered. "My girl's turning into a proper rebel like, missing class to talk to us, I should feel so honoured."

"Not really, my last lecture got cancelled," you flushed. "My professor's not well."

"Crush a man's hopes and dreams, why don't yer?" he teased. "Shoulda let me live in my little fantasy."

"Sorry," you squeaked, twirling a strand of hair around your fingers.

"I'm having yer on, little lamb," he told you, a smirk evident in his tone of voice. "How yer feeling after last night?"

"Fine," you murmured.

"Little lamb," he warned.

"I'm fine, Sam," you repeated. "Thank you for letting me stay over afterwards. I don't think I've had as good a night's sleep than I did last night."

"You're always welcome at my home, darlin'," he spoke softly. "And I'm not protesting against any sleepovers."

"Me neither," you flushed, instinctively hiding your face even though Sam was unable to see you.

"Good..." he trailed. "I wasn't too rough?"

"Sam, seriously," you groaned as he rounded back to the events of last night.

"Answer the question, little lamb," he instructed firmly.

"Are you really gonna make me say it?" you squeaked, burying your face in your hands as though he could see you in the first place.

"If it's the answer to the question, aye," he confirmed.

You could feel the blood rushing to your cheeks already, the warmth emanating from them as you spoke, "I sort of... liked it."

"Oh, yeah?" he questioned and you knew, wherever he was, he had a satisfied smirk on his lips. His tone was smug, the hesistance of your sordid confession stroking his already inflated ego but you didn't mind it.

"Can we change the conversation now?" you pouted.

"Mmm, what did yer want?" he asked.

"Do I need to want something to call?" you frowned.

"Of course not, little lamb, but I can hear it in your voice that yer called for sommat," he chuckled lowly. Arrogance was part of Sam's persona and you felt that any other strong, independent woman would be repulsed by it but not you. Quite the opposite actually — to you, it made him ten times more attractive but then could it be argued that you definitely were not a strong, independent woman?

"Right," you blushed. "This gift..."

"What about it?" he inquired.

"Don't get me wrong, Sam, it's beautiful—"

"You don't like it," he pointed out, cutting you off before you even had a chance to finish.

"I didn't say that," you huffed.

"If yer don't like it, yer can say that, little lamb," he assured you. "Yer divvn't have to pretend ya like things just 'cause they're from me."

"Sam, it's beautiful, it's just..." you trailed, pursing your lips together unsurely as you picked up the open box. "I can't accept it, it's too much."

"Don't be daft," he scoffed. "It's a gift."

"It probably cost you a fortune though," you frowned, tracing the gold chain with your thumb.

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