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"Dinner," replied the officer bluntly, who you had come to learn was named Alex. He was the person who had hindered your escape plan and subsequently ran to your dad to tell him, which resulted in a stern warning from him. It didn't go down well, especially when you called him out for holding you hostage but what really splintered your patience was your dad's statement that he was trying to protect you. You wanted to punch him then and there.

"Dove, open the door," your dad instructed softly but you elected to ignore him. You were not in the mood to converse with him, especially knowing that he would have been informed of your escape act. You would rather be lectured through the door than face-to-face. "Y/N. I know you're in there, just open the door."

"You're the one with the lock on your side," you scowled as you stared up at the ceiling with a glare. As though you were looking straight at your father. You didn't really look at him any other way since he blew your whole life up.

"Doesn't mean you've got to block the door with something so I can't get in," he sighed.

"Have you thought that maybe I just don't want you to come in?" you scoffed harshly. "Have you thought that maybe I just want to go back home?"

"You are home, dove, this is your home," he told you. You could hear the hurt in his tone of voice but you couldn't bring yourself to be stirred by the act. He always justified his actions with the loving father act but you had been able to see through it since you were about ten. For all you cared, he could shove his concern where the sun didn't shine.

"Yeah, not anymore," you retorted. "My home is in Newcastle. With my boyfriend."

There was a pang in your chest at the thought of your boyfriend and the consideration that your life might never be the same again. Even if you did manage to escape your dad's clutches, Sam could be put away for life and if he didn't, your dad would never let you leave his sight again, waiting patiently for Sam to mess up so he could strike again. You just wanted to go back to how things were before. All you longed for was to be cuddled up on the sofa with Luna in your lap. 

Luna. God, you missed her. It was the longest you had gone without seeing her since Sam brought her home. You hoped that someone was taking care of her and giving her the love she needed. She was probably wondering where her mum and dad were. Poor baby.

"Stop being so silly, Y/N, your home is here," he replied sternly through the door. "You've had your time to play house but it's time to take a step into the real world. That man will be serving a life sentence soon enough and you'll never see him again."

"You can't keep me locked away forever," you sneered, knowing he would give it a damn good try.

"I'm hoping you'll come to your bloody senses and realise I'm only trying to protect you," he admitted exasperatedly. "You're my little girl, I don't want you to get hurt."

"I was perfectly fine before you ruined my life!" you huffed.

"That idiot did that all for you," he retorted.

"I won't testify and I'm keeping this baby!" you growled in anger.

"Y/N, I understand what you're going through is hard-"

"No, you do not!" you interjected loudly, subconsciously placing a hand over your stomach. It held your unborn child, one Sam didn't even know about nor were you sure if he would know ever about. At least not anytime soon. You were optimistic that whilst you weren't able to do much on your end, the others were working to get Sam released. And planning your escape, you hoped. You didn't know how much longer you could take being locked up.

Ride or Die | Sam Fender AUWhere stories live. Discover now