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You had the shock of your life when you came home to find a floor-length evening gown laid out on your bed with a carefully crafted note atop, which could have only been left by one person. Your stomach flipped uncomfortably as you were reminded of your interaction with the man in question last night. The man who brought you home kicking and screaming, having torn you away from your friends and driven you home out of pure jealousy. You had sent a sheepish text to the group chat Heidi had made detailing your apology but the girls assured you it was fine, telling you they were just glad you were home safe.

You cautiously picked up the note as though it was going to bite you and began trailing your eyes over the neat scrawl. Wow, his writing is beautiful, you thought to yourself. Nicer than yours.

I'm picking you up at 7 for dinner, be ready.

Sam x

There were flutters in your stomach but you felt uneasy at the thought of being taken out to dinner with him that night. After your interaction with him in the car the night before, you had been left with a pooling desire that was completely foreign. Even your subconscious couldn't get enough of him and you found yourself dreaming of him. They were getting more and more perverted as the days passed and you didn't know how to deal with the fact. You were extremely inexperienced in every way and were not used to the desire you felt or how to satiate it.

On the other hand, you wanted to put your foot down. Set your boundaries. You didn't belong to anyone and you wouldn't be treated as such.

But how easy would it be to just give in?

Sam made you feel like you were the only person in the room. He made you feel seen in ways you hadn't in twenty-one years of life and more importantly, he made you feel wanted. Craved for. Lusted after.

But the way he went about things and the possessiveness that crept out when he was around you was a deterrent. It was a massive red flag and you knew you couldn't just go with his plans, not so easily anyway.

You pulled the door shut on your bedroom, the dress lying forgotten on your bed and threw yourself down on the sofa. Fishing your phone from your pocket, you decided to order takeout. What better excuse to give Sam when he arrived than 'I didn't see the note. Sorry, I've already eaten.' Yeah, that'll suffice.

You ordered yourself a Chinese takeaway that arrived within thirty minutes of calling and easily ate most of it in one go, leaving only a small portion of leftovers that you absolutely could not finish. You had a rough night last night and it was the first thing you had been able to stomach the entire day after dealing with a raging hangover from the amount of alcohol you consumed. You deserved it.

Like clockwork, there was a rap at the door at exactly seven and you felt your stomach flip and heart race anxiously. Instinctively, you began chewing on your lip, the taste of blood flooding your mouth as you nervously pulled the door open. You felt the breath leave your lungs at the sight of Sam before you, looking as handsome as he usually did. He wore a black suit that was tailored perfectly to his broad frame, the white shirt he wore underneath crisp and undone slightly, offering you a shameless view of the upper half of his chest. He paired the ensemble with a pair of black, Italian leather shoes and a silver watch that probably cost more than your tuition for the whole year.

"You're not dressed," he spoke bluntly. He wore a disappointed stare, his blue eyes boring holes into you.

"F-for what?" you stuttered, trying to play faux but you weren't convincing anyone.

"Dinner," he deadpanned.

"Oh, I've already eaten," you murmured, glancing back at the empty takeaway cartons on the coffee table.

Ride or Die | Sam Fender AUWhere stories live. Discover now