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Six weeks ago...

After your escape attempt, your dad had his best officers on a shift pattern watching you. Of course when Alex was on shift, you protested just a little bit more than with the others but it didn't mean you weren't giving them anything less than hell. Lucas was one of the quieter officers, who hardly spoke a word during his shift. In fact, he barely moved — stood outside your door like a watchdog. So when he knocked on your door one day, you were shocked, to say the least.

"Can I help you?" you scoffed, glaring at the man over the book you were reading but your confusion skyrocketed when he crossed your room and handed you a phone. "What's this?"

"It's for you," he said bluntly.

You set the book down beside you and raised the device to your ear with a scowl, "If it's my dad, he can go fuck himself—"

"You'd better watch that mouth of yours, Principessa."

"S-Sam?" you spluttered. Tears welled in your eyes as you stared at Lucas in disbelief but he just stepped out of the room and closed the door behind him, giving you your much desired privacy. "Is that you? W-what...? I don't— what's going on? Where are you? Are you okay—?"

"Slow down, little lamb," your boyfriend told you softly but you couldn't swallow the choked sob that fell from your lips. You collapsed a hand over your mouth as tears began streaming down your face, catching your muffled cries. "Eh, please don't cry. It's alreet, I'm here. I'm here."

"I miss you," you sobbed, clutching the phone like it would disappear at any moment and Sam with it.

"I know, I miss you too, little lamb," he cooed. His voice was strained and you could hear the upset in his tone. "Are you alreet?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine," you assured him quickly. "Sam, there's something I need to tell you." You felt sick but the truth had to come out at some point.

"What?" he asked sharply. You could tell he was concerned about whatever was going to come out of your mouth next but you were nervously anticipating his reaction to the news he was going to be a dad.

"Oh, god," you swallowed thickly, suppressing the bile that was rising in your throat. "Sam, I'm pregnant."

"W-what?" he spluttered in disbelief. "You're...?"

"Yeah," you whispered. "I'm sorry, I-I forgot my contraception and I thought I was fine but Dr Wilson made me do a pregnancy test before I got my next shot and—"

"Y/N, breathe," he told you softly, cutting you off mid-ramble. "It's okay. We're gonna be fine, alreet?"

"Are we?" you sniffed. Your voice was weak and filled with defeat. "My dad... he wants me to testify against you. I-I can't do that, what if they make me? I can't lie, they'll see through it straight away and then they'll send you to prison anyway and I... I can't do this on my own, Sam. Not without you."

"You're not gan be doing this withoot me, okay? And I don't expect you to lie," he assured you. "Listen, this is my mess. I will handle it. Yer divvn't have to worry about any of it."

"I want to see you," you whimpered, holding the phone impossibly close to your ear. As though Sam wasn't miles away. And if you closed your eyes, he wasn't. He was right beside you, close enough to touch but your eyes were open and your illusion was shattered before it set in.

Ride or Die | Sam Fender AUWhere stories live. Discover now