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As you were led into the interview room by an officer, your heart couldn't help but skip a beat. There was a blank expression on Sam's face as he stared the officer down but his eyes brightened slightly when you walked in. It was the first time seeing each other in almost a month and you knew he missed you as much as he missed you, even if he didn't outwardly express it.

You stood awkwardly as the officer stepped forward and unlocked Sam's handcuffs, not that he couldn't get out of them himself. He seemed to defy impossibility with a laid-back ease — something as trivial as breaking out of restraints was no sweat for the don.

You sent the man a confused frown, wondering why he was freeing the criminal in a confined room with the Commissioner's daughter. You knew that if your father was one the other side of the glass, he wouldn't have finished unlocking the cuffs before he was reprimanding the officer but still, you remained silent as he left the room.

A smile broke through Sam's hardened face and he quickly stood up to greet you. "Principessa," he breathed, pulling you into his arms quickly and connecting his lips with yours. There wasn't a single cell of you that wanted to pull away but you did so anyway, earning a short frown from your boyfriend. "Y/N?"

"My dad..." you whispered, subtly flicking your gaze to the double-sided glass behind you.

"Isn't there," he reassured you, lifting his hand to cup the side of your face.

"Someone is though," you frowned, reaching up to curl your grip around his wrist, ready to pull it away but you couldn't will your muscles to move.

"It's fine, he's with me," he told you lowly, pressing a kiss against your forehead. "We've got privacy for ten minutes."

"Oh." You quickly collapsed into Sam's arms, tears streaming down your cheeks as you clung to him.

"Oh, Principessa," he frowned as he curled his arms around you. "It's alreet, I'm here."

"I'm sorry," you sobbed, burying your head into the crook of his neck. "I'm so sorry."

"Why are yer sorry for?" he teased lightly.

"Because you're here 'cause of me," you pointed out.

"Eh, don't be daft," he scoffed, stroking your hair lightly. "I'd go through hell and back for you, little lamb."

"I don't want you to go to prison," you cried, subconsciously squeezing him tighter at the thought.

"I'm not gan anywhere," he assured you. "Nowhere at all."

"But now I have to testify against you," you whimpered.

"Yer divvn't have to worry, alreet?" he told you firmly. "I told yer I'm gan deal with it."

"W-what if...?" you trailed, your words dying in your throat as you spoke.

"What?" he asked.

"What if we got married?" you suggested quietly. It sounded insane when you said it out loud but if it meant protecting Sam, there wasn't anything you weren't willing to do. "I wouldn't be able to testify then." Sam was stunned into silence as he processed your words, turning your stomach uncomfortably. You knew the idea was outlandish but if it worked, Sam would be less likely to be found guilty and could avoid prison entirely. It's not like you didn't want to marry him anyway. It was just happening earlier than you planned. But then again, so was getting pregnant. "Please say something."

"Yer wanna marry us?" he chuckled.

"Of course I want to marry you, idiot," you laughed, drawing away from him to meet his amused gaze.

Ride or Die | Sam Fender AUWhere stories live. Discover now