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"Mam? What're yer doing here?" Sam asked in confusion, his eyes flickering subtly between her and the door to the kitchen. He was just about to take your breakfast up to you when his mother all but waltzed in, much to his dismay. It's not that he didn't want to see her but she had absolutely no insight on the events of the past week or so and he didn't want to risk her finding out you were locked away upstairs.

"I haven't heard from you for days," she scoffed. "You weren't answering any of my calls or texts, I wanted to make sure you were still alive."

"Well, I'm alive," he snorted, chewing anxiously on the inside of his cheek.

"Is Y/N here? Is that why you've not been answering me?" she teased, taking a seat at the breakfast bar.

"Aye, she's sleeping still," he replied coolly but nothing got past Emilia Fender.

"Alright. Fess up," she told him with a pointed stare. "What's going on?"

"Nowt!" he exclaimed, holding his hands up in surrender but the act wasn't enough to sell his innocence. Emilia didn't have time to question it, however, as Freddie, one of the men Sam had left in charge of watching over your room came bursting in.


"Not now, Freddie," he snapped, feeling his heart pounding in his chest. Whatever news the man had come down to deliver was clearly regarding you and the look on his face wasn't reassuring in the slightest but he couldn't risk his mother finding out about your captivity. She would surely kill him.


"Freddie," he hissed sharply, sending him daggers but there was no missing the glint of panic in his subordinate's eyes.

"Let the boy speak, Samuel," Emilia scolded her son, gesturing for the other man to continue.

Caught between obeying the orders of his intimidating boss or his equally as intimidating mother, Freddie paused for a second before gulping, "It's the girl, sir. There's been an altercation with a mirror, there's a lot of blood."

"What?" Sam demanded as he felt his stomach drop. He didn't waste a moment more, almost sprinting up to the room you had been confined in, skipping steps in his rush to get to you. Emilia was hot on his heels as her maternal instincts kicked in, a deep frown etched on her face.

Sam found you curled up in the corner of the spare room, clutching your hand, which was stained with blood. You were hysterical, tears streaming down your face as you rocked yourself, muttering something under your breath. Another of Sam's men entrusted to guard your room, Daniel was metres away from you, watching you cautiously as he tried not to spook you as though you were a wild animal. It worried Sam. What had happened whilst he was downstairs?

"Y/N," Sam gasped, stepping over the shards of the mirror that littered the hardwood floor, eager to get to you.

"No!" you protested as he neared you, wanting to keep as much distance between you as possible but Sam didn't care for your boundaries at that moment. You cowered away from him as he crouched down before you and gently grabbed your wrists. "Get off me."

"She won't let anyone near her, sir," Daniel announced, watching as you struggled against the mobster's grip.

"Get off," you cried.

"You're hurt," Sam muttered in exasperation.

Emilia stood horrified as she tried to assess the situation, wondering what on earth had happened to land you in this state. "Samuel, let go of her," she ordered as she crossed the room, ready to free you from her son's grasp.

Ride or Die | Sam Fender AUWhere stories live. Discover now