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Trigger warning: Mentions of sexual abuse and rape

"Make sure you call me," your dad instructed firmly.

"I will," you assured him.

"And please come home soon, your old man gets lonely sometimes," he continued.

"I will," you replied once more.

"Look after yourself," he told you.

"Dad, you're gonna miss your train if you don't get a move on," you groaned. You knew saying your goodbyes to him would take longer than anticipated but his reluctance to leave was beginning to irritate you. All you wanted was to go home and spend the day with your boyfriend, glad for your day off from uni. Your contact hours had decreased as you neared the end of your course but whilst your original plan was to spend that free time with your boyfriend and complete your last assignments, instead you had to play Happy Families with your dad. "I'll be fine, I've lasted this long."

"I know, I just worry," he frowned, lifting his hand to cup your cheek and brushing his thumb against your soft skin.

"Don't I know it," you teased, wrapping your arms around his torso in a tight hug. "I'll see you soon, Dad."

"Bye, dove," he told you reluctantly, holding you tight to him with a protective hand over your head. "I love you."

"I love you too," you smiled as you parted, your dad hesitant to let you go. "Bye."

His lips pursed into a tight smile as his hand wrapped around the handle of his suitcase and he unenthusiastically made his way into the train station, scanning his ticket for the barriers. He had stayed longer, just as you had expected him to but luckily, you were able to keep up the front about Heidi's dad being unwell and Sam and your dad firmly apart. It had gone too smoothly to not be considered suspicious but you didn't question your luck, taking it with a pinch of salt that your boyfriend and dad hadn't torn each other apart and you hadn't been dragged back to London kicking and screaming.

You waited until he was entirely obscured from your view before you let out a sigh of relief, your shoulders relaxing as you hastily exited the station. You were eager to get back to your life in Newcastle, move back in with your boyfriend and your cat and see your friends unrestricted. You didn't have to hide them anymore, which was a relief.

"Alreet, Bonnie lass," a low voice whistled as a car pulled up beside you. The window was rolled down, your boyfriend peering through with a smirk on his lips. "What's a girl like you walking the streets o' Newcastle for?"

"Well, I was waiting for someone to stop and pick me up," you teased, leaning over the window with a coy smile. "And it's your lucky day 'cause you're the first."

"I'll happily take yer for a ride, Principessa," he grinned, unlocking the doors for you to slide into the passenger seat. "He gone?"

"Yup, thank god," you groaned as you pulled your seatbelt on. You were taken by surprise as Sam leaned over, grabbing the back of your head and pulling you in for a heated kiss. "Mmm, not that I'm complaining but what was that for?"

"Well, I ain't been able to kiss yer properly for almost two weeks," he grinned, watching as you rubbed your lips together.

"As if that's stopped you at all," you scoffed.

"Less o' the lip, little lamb," he teased, curling his hand around your thigh and squeezing it lightly. "I'll kiss my lass whenever and wherever I please."

"Right," you giggled. "Can we go home now? I miss my girl."

"Ouch," Sam replied in faux hurt as he pulled off.

Ride or Die | Sam Fender AUWhere stories live. Discover now