These choices.... I swear!

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So what was going on? Anyone care to explain this duke what was going on because I for sure won't be doing that. In my eyes it was more than just obvious and it didn't take to be a detetctive or a geat detective like Sherlock Homes to know what was going on. I simply lost it. I had enough and I was kinda sure that death was quite a good thing by now but let's have a look what the choices in this situation are. I knew that they wanted to kill me but still maybe they were not that bad. Not as if I had any hopes for it at all.

Choices available:

-) Scream at the duke for having adopted you.

-) Try and kill Derrick.

-) Play the innocent role and make it look like you were just defending yourself.



Oh how I wanted to laugh out loud soo badly about now. This was more than just a joke for sure. The first option was having me thrown out or to the dungeon or prision or whatever. Maybe I will even get send away for good or locked up in the attic! It wouldn't kill me immediately but for the long run it would mean death for sure. 


This was more than just stupid to do. Why in the world should I seriously do that? 

I was in a bad situation anyways, ,making it worse was not in my intentions at all! I wanted to get out of here if anything. So doing that was definitely not the right choice and questioning the man who brought me in was definitely not the way out of this goddamn situation.

The second choice is something I really wanted to do but that was for sure not what I was supposed to do. Kill one of the routs of... is that even possible? Can I actually just kill them all? NO NO NO NO! There was no way I would manage to do that without getting myelf killed. Just imagine a stick like woman who has no strength at all killing someone who knows swordsmanship or magic or basically anything! HAH! That would be the joke of the century! Then just think about killing the crown prince! Pfff- nope not gonna happen. That mad dog is something else! Just kill me before actually giving me such a choice at all! This is just ridiculous! Where is the camera! Hahaha you all got me for sure.

Though I did know that there was no camera, I still felt like there was one because it was just ridiculous and funny at the same time. 

Now let's see about that last choice. Playing dumb was an idiotic move. How was I about to play dumb when I was holding the darn knife? HOW? No one would believe that not even with the scratch I had around my neck. This was more than just stupid. Like someone please give the choice system an award for the stupidest answer ever. This is even worse than the last couple of choices.


Alright, no one can blame me for laughing out loud while still pressing that sword around Derricks neck so that he had the same cut as me before letting go. This was not something that would get me anywhere so I just let go and stood up with my hands up.

Me: We are even now.

It's gold!

Everything right nbow is pure gold. Their reaction and everything is more than just gold. Derrick looked confused, the duke was baffled and Reynold seemed about to jump at me and I wouldn't realky want that too. My hands were starting to burn a bit more from all the cuts I had but I was pretty much not sure what to do after I was looking at them.

Am I supposed to laugh?

Or should I maybe better apologise...


This is not something I am at fault at! They treat me like shit! Why should I actually care for them now too? This is something I will never do and so I was looking at them before I shrug my shoulder with a noticable "meh".

Derrick: ...

Me: What? Why are you all looking at me like that? Am I some time of exotic animal to stare at? Do I have an extra eye or horns growing all of the sudden?

OhO look at my choices!Where stories live. Discover now