Let's date! WHAT?!

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Oh no... I was completly shocked to the point, I felt like my legs were giving in. Actually my legs would have given in if Winter didn't step right next to me and held my shoulder supporting me a bit. I was definitely as white as a ghost because I just saw her. I knew I saw her and no matter what anyone would say, I jsut did!

The system on the other hand did had a surprise for me open for sure. When I looked at my options I could tell something was off.

-) Nothing ever happened.

-) Nothing ever happened.

-) Nothing ever happened.

There were three fucking options telling me the same thing. As I looked in the direction I looked up to winter as well and then back to the direction. Yeah... I was sure that I just saw her.

Winter: Are you alright?

Me: No... I mean, yes.

Winter: Are you sure?

Me: Yeah... sorry.

Winter: How about we talk over a cup of tea? A change of place might do the trick.

Once again I looked at the options and now they were basically urging me to actually go with Winter. What was going on with this system. What was behind it? I had a feeling that this was no longer about getting them to love me. There was just this feeling that something was actually off with everything.

-) Let him walk you to the cafe

-) Go to this agency

-) Let him bring you to a restautant.

No matter how I looked at it there was just something wrong with the system. It first glitched and told me the same thing three times and before that tried to kill me soo many times and now this? What in the world was actually going on? I was way to curious not to say yes to at least one of the options and decided to go for it.

Me: Is there a cafe nearby where we could go?

Winter: There is a new one that has a high review.

Me: Great. Let's go there than. You might be absolutely right with that change of place.

So we both got to the cafe and I was just looking out all the time for someone with pink hair. There was, however, no one who matched the description besides me on the street. Still I had the feeling of being followed and watched. It ticked me off a bit but I tried my best to ignore it. 

When we got to the cafe, Winter was the gentleman and did the chair thing which I found very unexpected. I don't know why but someone to pull the chair out for me was just out of the question and yet here he was doing exactly that. I don't know it just felt old fashioned to me.

Me: 'Thanks.

Winter: Are you threatened or scared by something?

Me: Huh?

Winter: You kept looking around the whole time.

Me: That obvious?

Winter: Yes.

The waiter arrived and we both quickly ordered some tea and some snacks. It was really just something simple and I let Winter order everything. He seemed to know exactly what I needed right now. Not as if I knew what kind of tea was what. I mean this was all gibberish to me. You could even put some insults in there or withery on the menu and I still wouldn't recognize them. Tea was actually never my thing but I came to like it when I came to be Penelope.

Winter: Is it your family?

Me: Kinda.

Winter: You are protecting my secret in return let me help you out.

Me: Do I look as if I need help?

Winter: -

Before he could answer I decided to cut him in his words as he was opening his mouth. The question I had just put out in the air was way to obvious to answer. I basically looked like a lost chicken under a flock of swans. 

Me: I do, never mind the questions. 

Winter: You don't have to go through this alone.

Me: And why are you so eager to help? We don't even know each other that well!

Winter: You saved a kid and scolded the horseman of a fellow noble family while they were inside.

Me: So what?

Winter: Nobles don't do that usually besides that child is dear to me. Take it as a favor I want to repay as well as a payment for keeping my secret.

Me: And I still will hold on to the point that I don't even know you. You are basically like a stranger. How should I know if you are not just playing around and then abducting me.

Winter: You are very cautios in contrary to the mad dogs image.

Me: Oh please, do I look mad to you?

Winter: No.

Me: See. 

Winter: How about a date then? 

Me: We are not starting to date!

Winter: I am sorry. I mean spending some time and get to know each other as friends.

Me: And how would that look like?

Winter: Help me out this friday.

Me: Help you out with what?

Winter: I will be giving away food to the people who need it.

Me: I am in.

I didn't need to think twice about it at all. Helping people sounded right. Besides having a mage as a friend might actually help me. Not as if he was the one who killed me a couple of times too but maybe if Winter knew that I was not a bad person, maybe he wouldn't kill me.

As I was thinking that our order arrived and we sat there for the rest of the time snacking and drinking our tea while he was telling me about the places we would visit. He was warning me about some stuff but I didn't really pay any attention as the feeling of being watched started to get worse and worse. I could only hope that nothing bad would happen at all.

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