Hah... it... no way...

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When I got back inside the mansion I was met with Penel who immediately escorted me to my father. Why was this soo obvious that it was gonna happen. I was even mentally prepared for it. Not as if I needed that anyways. I was not gonna let anyone say any bullshit about me anymore. So in short, I didn't care about what the duke was about to tell me.

Though I was not prepared to actually sit across the duke with some tea in my hands and some cookies and buscuits in between us on the small table. That was for sure not what I had thought would happen.

Duke: I have talked to the doctors.

Me: Good for you.

Duke: Penelope, I am really sorry about what you had to endure.

Me: This won't make it up. You do know that.

Duke: I do. I just hope you can give us a chance.

Me: Why should I?

Duke: We are family after all.

Me: Family doesn't treach each other like I was treated and I would really appreciate it if you would write me off the family list.

Duke: I refuse to do that.

Me: ... then let me at least live away from this mansion.

Duke: I.. I won't allow that either.

I knew that already... 

Still it was worth a shot.

I wonder what he is planning else?

Is he gonna tell me to live quitely too?

Hmm. ... wait.. does he know what Derrick is telling me the whole time?

A smile creept up my face as I was now looking at my tea cup and then decided to snitch on Derrick in case the duke didn't know already. It was something I was told soo many times that I already knew it in and out and as if that was not enough, it never even counted too.

Me: Should I go live according to my brothers wishes then? Shuold I go live somewhere like a dead rat?!

The moment I said that out loud, I heard a gasp before the cup in my fathers hand just shattered. I guess he used too much force but that was certainly not what I have expected. How did he even do that? Was a normal human being able to actually shatter a good cup of tea made out of the finest ceramic? The more I thought about it the more shocked I was and it even scared me a bit too. This was not what I thought would happen nor what I really expected or thought was possible.

Duke:  Penel, get me Derrick here asap.

He didn't need to say more than that for the door to open and close immediately while I was still staring at where the cup was.

Duke: I am sorry if I have scared you.

Me: ...

Duke: The real reason I called you here was to tell you that there is a small celebration going and you may attend it if you want. 

Yeah about that festival, I knew it was kinda something like a mixture of celebration but also a festival filled with laughter and fun. However it was also that festival that they had lost Ivonne. Maybe I could actually use that to my benefit and escape. It seemed like a good plot twist and who knows what this damn system would let me do and what not. That reminded me. I actually wanted to know what the system told me to do right now. Not was if I was tired of life to actually do what it was telling me to do anyways.

-) Beg him to punish Derrick and Reynold.

-) Scream at the duke for being treated poorly and leave the room.

-) Throw a fit and say that you are only now allowed to go out when everything went down the drain.


Seriously what is wrong with this system?

I mean... first choice would be actually possible if I played it nicely. I am sure about that but all the other ones?

The hell? Leave the room here and now?

That would make me look like I am losing my mind and not my temper.

I don't need that at all.

Next up throwing a fit...

Is this the right decision?


I am not sure about it. I mean I would certainly do it but was this really right of me to do?

All of these choices were not killing me for once and I was seriously impressed. It would get me in troubles mostly but not killed which was kinda somewhat of a small step towards a better choice system. Better not jinx it but right now I wanted to pet the systems shoulder and say god job. You did it correctly for once you stupid idiot.

Oh well.. that was certianly not gonna happen though since the system wanted me still dead.

It just took a short amount of time for my brothers to come into the room and believe me when I say that I haven't actually thought that the duke would grab the next possible iteam on the desk meaning the small plate the tea cup was on and threw it at Derrick.

Duke: I thought I have a good successor but now I had to learn that I had someone who doesn't care for the weak and is only looking at himself and the reputation he has.

Derrick: Father, let me explain.

Duke: Explain? What do you want to explain?

Reynold: She threw her heels at us. We didn't make her walk back here barefoot.


Oh wow, speaking of sparks flying around the room and cat and dogs fighting. There was no way anyone could actually make any move right now. This kinda felt nice, not gonna lie. So I just continued watching as the duke stood up and went over to my brothers.

Duke: I heard you told her to live silently as a rat? Is your sister worth that much or are you still looking at her as a stranger?

Reynold: You didn't say that did you?

Derrick: I did and I regret it now.

Reynold: Brother!

Derrick: Oh as if you are not better blaming her to steal Ivonnes necklace.


Damn... I really couldn't hold it in anymore and they all stopped fighting looking back at me who was enjoying everything.

Me: hahaha-ha.... Are you all done playing this out?

Duke: Penelope?

Me: I am not intersted in an apology and I don't care about what all of you do.

Of course I pointed at everyone in the room and made quite a scene as I stood up, grabbed a cookie and went over to the door. It was time to leave and let them all be since this was not my terf to fight nor was it really my place to stay. Though I was for sure not gonna let anyone do what they please.

Me: Duke, I would gladly attend that festival and you two, get over it, I don't care about the past. Don't anyone dare to cross the line or I will fight back and it won't be pretty.

It was a warning that I left them and I could even see them all pale up when I was saying all this while smiling sweetly like a devil.

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