They haven't changed.. I don't care!

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A couple of days went buy and believe me these days were just exhausting as my father thought that getting me new dresses and other stuff would make me feel better but I send them all back. I just wanted to be alone and that was apprently a no go. Do you all know how hard it was to actually be in the middle of everything and the designers to actually freak out because I was behaving more normal?

It was hard!

To top it all off, there was also the butler who thought something was not right and tried to get on my good side and basically everyone else. HELL! It was pure hell. I was not insane. I just got back to being myself and then this? Gosh, where did I ever get somet time to be myself? I couldn't see nor find that time in sight at all!

Me: What now?

Today was finally the day of the festival and it was early in the morning when I heard a knock at my door. This was by now never a good sign. Sometimes I wish, I could just jump out of that window and be done with everything.

Me: Yes?

Penel: The duke has invited you to dine with together. Will you refuse it again?

Me: ....

I kept on and on refusing it and each and every day Penel would come and ask me the same question day in and day out. Of course I didn't wanted to see their faces and eat with them but did I actually have another choice? 

The more I refused the longer this request was goin on. It was honestly starting to get on my nerves already. Day in and day out 3 times, Penel would come over if not more to ask if I wanted to join for breakfast, dinner, supper and even sometimes tea time which was just weird. 

Anyways, in contrary to other days, I decided to say yes this time. How bad could it be after all.

Me: I'll be attending this time. 

Penel: He will be overjoyed hearing this.

That was all he said before leaving the room and I already had a headache thinking about it. This was not want I wanted for sure. Now I had to get down there and see what kind of new kindergarden theater would appear now. Not as if I didn't know that something would happen for sure. Let's just say this mad dog of Eckart could sniff it in the air. It was smelling fishy and it was smelling like trouble.

Anyways, I prepared myself for the worse as I got ready and went to the dining room where I was meet with all of my brothers. They looked kinda on edge a bit but they seem to have all their attention towards me and yet the moment I got to the table I found myself having some children cutlery set decked to use. This had to be a joke.... a bad one too.

The choices for the morning were as followed:

- ignore it and eat as if nothing happened.

- do not eat and leave

Wow... there was no such thing as throwing a fit here. Was this how the real Penelope used to behave? I kinda felt pity towards her. Though I was not one to leave it be like that. At first I thought about letting the guys find out for themselves but then I started to feel as if that was a waste when they didn't find out until now.

I went to my seat, sat down and then waited for the first meal to arrive. They all seemed eager for me to eat something as my father was the first one to give me something on my place. Nothing against the food but this cutlery was bothering me a lot. Now.... should I ask for anything sepcifically or should I just show off.... I found a better solution.

My younger brother didn't seem to bother if I would change my cutlery with his but Derrick would for sure and so just because I can, I stood up and changed our cutleries quite elegantly while I was at it, I smiled at him too.

Me: You know, as the biggest brother you should sometimes act a bit more childish. Don't you think too?

When I said that while smiling at my other brother, he immediately nodded and agree without knowing what was going on. However my father had already caught on because he watched me grab my cutleries closely since I was sitting right next to him. They had switched the seat order for today and I was sitting right next to father where Derrick should have been.

Derrick: Huh?

Me: I may be the youngest but even I don't think this is funny now do you?

Duke: Get me the head maid right now.

Me: Oh please this is just a bit fun, isn't it?

Duke: Penelope, I am sorry for this.

Me: Sorry why? Didn't you know that this was normal? I did say I wouldn't play along anymore, didn't I?

Derrick: Get the head chief here as well.

Hah this was about to be fun for sure. Both the duke and his successor called for the head chief and head maid to come over. It didn't take long for two people to arrive. There was just one question and it was obvious on their mind but I beat them to it.

Me: May I ask who prepared this wonderful dish as well as all the decoration on the table.

Head Chief: That would be me.

Me: Ah great. Now that we do know who is in charge of the cutlery and that joke....

Sometimes people shouldn't just leave some sharp objects around in this case it was some butter knife which was the only thing I didn't actually give Derrick. I mean I totally didn't forget that my small knife was not a real one. Besides the butter knife that I already had.

Anyways, I grabbed the hand of the woman who decked my side and then started playing with the knife. 

Me: Better spread your fingers out widely before I hit them.

Alright, a butter knife was not sharp but it would still hurt when I hit her and that was enough to give her a fright... but this was apprently not enough as my brother watched me do it and then decided to correct me.

Reynold: If you are already doing it. Do it correctly here take this.

Can you actually believe that? My brother just changed my children butter knife version to a sharp knife and no one actually stopped him?! WHAT?! Are they okay with me punishing this servant? What was wrong with them?

Ah screw this!

If I was already at it!

I now continured to do what I was doing with the knife for a bit. I remember this game was quite popular a couple of years back and one could use basically anything like a fork, a pen and so on but knifes were the extreme. It felt a bit nostalgic to do this but in the end I did a couple of rounds until I felt bored and just let go. This servant slummed to the ground. I could tell she just got her portion of fright for the week, heck for the year even maybe took of some years off her lifespan.

Me: Funny wasn't this?

Of course no one laughed since this was not funny at all but it was as much as starving from not eating so I kinda felt satisfied doing this. Oh hey! This might even be why they let me do this because the head chief was responsible for my moldy food for all these years. But who knows... it might also be just the lunacy of the Eckarts. 

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