Ups... where are my manners... ah I dropped them Upsy....happens!

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I somehow found my way back to the party and guess what? It was easy to spot one Eckart and then walk up to him and slap the shit out of this guy and when I say slap the shit out of him, then I mean I slapped him left, right, left and then grabbed him by the collar before starting to drag him out of the place. Of course everyone was whispering and talking but did I care? Nope. I just signed my own death papers and I wanted to get out of here. Then again maybe I could have handled this situation differently because I didn't even say a thing and poor or not so poor Derrick was confused as hell following me.... UNTIL I stopped in track looking at the door where the crown prince and Winter were.

Me: What now?

Guess, I was not tired of life once but actually TWICE! How in the world did I get this bold to talk back to the prince before he actually said anything at all? Where did that confidence come from?

Prince: Leaving this soon?

Me: Yes, you got a problem with that?

Prince: I thought I could ask you for a dance.

Now it was my turn to actually let go of Derrick and look at the man in front of me as if he had like a horn growing onto his forhead. Did I just hear right? with him? What? Nah-ah! I had to be mistaken surely.

Me: Dance?

Prince: Yes.

Me: With me?

Prince: Yes?

Me: and you wanna  be the one?

Prince: .....

Me: Hell nah!

Ohhh my gosh! All the eyes were on me right here and right now. This was totally insane and I didn't even get why Winter was there standing at the door as if he had just witnessed some kind of miracle happening. Was I a zoo animal for everyone to stare at me or was this just the soo called special treatment for a mad dog.

Prince: Why not?

Me: Look how red my brothers face is? Just look at the poor man!

I turned around and this time it was the only thing that came into my mind so I used Derrick as an excuse. His cheeks were red and swollen but never mind the reason behind it. What was important was the result and I just had grabbed his chin and force him to move his head right and left for show until I let go and stepped up to the crown prince with my brother tagging along right behind me.

Me: He is not feeling good and what sister would I be if I wouldn't actually take him home, huh?

Prince: Sick huh?


I kinda laced my words with poison and looked at my brother while I turned around for a second smiling at him but my eyes were actually telling him everything and he played along! Ah what a good boy! It seems like he needs a treat for doing something right at least once in a while but who was I to actually do that. 

Prince: I see.... it can't be helped. Though I will clame that dance another day.

That was all the crown prince said while I was basically making my way through and hurried to out coach. I had to get out of there and it was only when we staretd moving and got out of that place that I could relax and sigh. Damn this was more than jsut dangerous water I was just walking around a moment ago. I mean one hell of a wizard who I think I called wizard and a prince who I had for sure angered. Well fuck my life will ya! There was not even a small break I could actually take a breather at all!

Derrick: Want to explain?

Me: What is there to explain?

Derrick: Why did the prince wanted to dance with you specifically?

Me: I kissed him.....

Derrick: Wha-

Me: And bit him too.

Derrick: PENELOPE!


Oh I was pissed. I just had the worst experience in like ages and here he was about to lecture me about what I did when all this shit was his fault. Luckily for me, he definitely saw how explosive I was today and left me alone for the rest of the ride and even when we got back home. Who would have thought that he didn't say anything to father at all... not as if he didn't know. By now everyone knew that story of me slapping Derrick and the prince asking me for a dance, no he actually jsut claimed a dance. Ah I was screwed... how was I now about to get out of everything!


What was I even supposed to do being here?

Follow the plot and get killed?

Where is the damn system when I needed it once!

Was I actually even supposed to play this game and make someone like me cause that was not about to happen at all. I would rather die than be together with one of these lunatics for sure... there had to be another way for sure!

There just had to be one!

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