Oh no... I am a god now?!

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Why was I regretting my decision right now?  I mean I could see it in her eyes that I had just done a grave mistake. My instincts told me run but I couldn't really do anything. Now while I was freezing and looking at Ivonne, I could see the system pop up.


-) Figth god.

-) Fight god

-) Fight god

There was this damn choice again but this time I was actually praying that the system would take over as I clicked the first choice. I really wanted to just sit back since I didn't know anything at all. This time luckily I felt this tucking and next thing I know I was talking something. I didn't understand what it was but I could see the terror in Ivonnes eyes. Something was about to happen... something big.

It was the surrounding that started to get blurry and not only that but there was a light around us like a down. I could hear some taölking coming from Ivonne but it was too late. I didn't really know what it meant to fight god but the next thing I know was Ivonne screaming in pain and backing away. The dome was holding her in place and there were chains coming from the ground. They pinned her down as I continued to talk once again after a small breakt. 

That mirror she had in her hand shattered when she dropped it and the pieces started to float and place themselves in the barrier facing Ivonne. She was screaming, tossing and turning while I was just standing there doing nothing. What was I supposed to do? The system had taken full controll and what I was watching in front of me was like an exocism.

What do I do?

Is this the right thing?

Am I gonna kill her?

NOO NOO NOO! I can't! 

If I do that, I won't be having any kind of place at all in this world!


What do I do?!

I honestly feared that I was about to kill Ivonne because I saw ho much she was struggeling and then it all ended. I don't know what happened but she just dropped livelessly to the ground and the system itself was showing me a mission accomplished and what followed made me scared and scream shocked of what it said while I was reading it out loud.


I really don't get it but the system congratulated me and the mirrors came flying in front of me joining together into a mirror once again. There I could see a beautiful womans reflextion which was trying to get out. It seemed as if she was trapped inside.

Is that the real god?

What the hell am I supposed to do with this shit?!


If matters were not worse already, the whole island started shaking and all these black robbed peopled seemed to have vanished. I don't know when this happened at all. Though I could see Winter and he looked shocked and puzzled and confused.

I was just done... I was already done with everything but now I was more done since it seemed that the title god was something you could steal and I just obtained that shit with all the magic as well and had a prisoner in a mirror. Oh great... what was I even supposed to do with the mirror? As I was thinking about it, the island started shaking more and more.

Winter: Penelope!

He ran towards me but I my legs gave out. I was at the end of my very own energy and I was done mentally as well.

Winter: We have to get out of here. Can you stand up?

Me: Yeah.... but what about Ivonne?

Winter: I'll pick her up. 

Me: The kids?

Winter: Lion already got them out.

Me: Thank god....

Winter: It is not the time to worry about them. We should worry about us now!

He was right. This island was about to either collapse or something worse. I didn't really know what was going on but right now I could just nod and go with it. This was how Winter helped me up and we started running before he teleported us to his home. I was really done and just collapsed at the floor huffing and puffing. I was sure I also looked like shit.

Winter: Are you okay?

Me: Do I look okay?

Winter: .... I am sorry.

Me: I... sorry. I am a bit done with the day.

Winter: How did you ...

Me: I don't know. I really don't so please don't ask  more than this... and can you actually take this?

I gave the mirror to Winter who was crouching right in front of me. Ivonne was laying on the couch at this point and I was simply just on the ground because the ground was more comfrotable.

Winter: Are you sure?

Me: Yes.. make sure Laila won't get out. She is dangerous.

Winter: I undrestand. Don't worry about it. I will protect and hide it at a place no wizard will be able to actually find her.

Me: Thank you...

I was still out of breath but I was thankfull that he didn't ask more than this.

Winter: What do you plan on doing now?

Me: Get the hell out of here! 

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