Me... Where? WHAT?!

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Since the last thing I did kinda satisfied my feelings, I was quite smiling and it seemed as if this fucking world didn't wanted me to smile and actually be happy at all because in the next moment a bomb was dropped in the room. What am I saying, it's not a fucking bomb it is a nuke. Yeah, it came equivilant to a nuke! 

Father: Penelope, did you hear what I said?

Well of course I heard what he said but it went into one ear and out of the next one. How could he be saying something like that just after I had punished a servant like that? Was he about to punish me? No wait! Did he actually wanted my death?


Let's just get a moment back in time when my father told me that the crown invited us over to a birthday banquet and we all had to attend. Now here I was thinking that that was a joke but judging by how they all were looking at me, it didn't sounded like a joke anymore at all.

Me: I am sorry you want me to go on a birthday banquet?

Father: Indeed. I wouldn't have said this if there was a way out of it especially since we are considered to be neutral.

Me: .... 

Well fuck... what now? There was no way to refuse it and of course I couldn't say no since I already knew how fucked up this whole story was. If I would refuse maybe there was a chance that my family aka the duke and the whole Eckart would die. I mean nothing against that, they could all go to hell but I still wanted to live so that would be quite bad at this point in time while I was still counted to be one of the Eckarts.

Me: *sigh* When is the banquet?

Father: We have some time till then. Do you need anything? I will be calling over all the designers and the finest jewel-

Me: No.

Derrick: No?

Reynold: What do you mean no?

Me: I have enough jewelry and I still hate to see them thanks to you. 

Derrick: Don't lie, you spent soo much money buying all kind of jewelries. Even begged me to get that one.

Me: What do you think why I did that?

They seemed honestly puzzled but by the air in this room, I could tell that one wrong move and something would happen. That something would be me snapping at them. Of course we had our food and of course it was good and we were talking while we were dining but right now, anything could happen. HECK, I could even just decide to flip the damn table... not as if I was strong enough for that, the table does look motherfucking heavy but I would do it.

Me: Jewelry looks pretty just like me and the sad truth is that it is just something worthless woren as long as it looks good and is in fashion and then thrown away in some corner.

Oh wow... would you look at his face. No, all their faces were pale white right now. No one expected me to say something like that. Me neither but not as if I was wrong. It was the truth. Having soo much jewelry without being able to wear them is just a pitty.

Derrick: ....I...

Father: How about a new dress then?

Me: I have enough.

Father: Shoes?

Me: Do I look like my wardroob is empty?

Father: I see. How about a new hairstyle or some accessory then?

Me: Duke! By all due respect, I do not need anything nor do I want anything.

With that I stood up and decided to leave the room. I knew what he wanted to try but I didn't need him to look after me right now. Just look at all my clothes! I was still a daughter of a duke. There were soo many I didn't even know how this could happen. Not only that but they all look rather new as well. This was definitely the life of a luxuries golden spoon eating child... what did go wrong for Penelope to end this miserable?

I did pity her,..... but then I just had to remember my own past and my hardship and then I would know that there are a thousand people with thousand faces. Not even one would be similar to the other one. There was not even one person in the world who could resemble myself and of course that counted for everyone too. Each and everyone was unique but that didn't mean it would actually give you the right to break someone that badly and try to make one a villain.


Not anymore!

Penelope didn't say anything till now... but I sure wouldn't stand this.

I was my own person after all and I would stick to who I am.

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