I know what is going on!

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I could kinda understand them for looking at me like that but was I really that unreasonable? Did they even know what was going on? To hell with this, where is the next rabbit whole I can jump into? I wanna get out of this insanity right now!

Derrick: What?

Reynold: PENELOPE!

Me: WHAT?! Why DO YOU have to scream at me?

Reynold: Because you are insanse!

Me: Takes then that makes us two here.. wait make this whole hause an insane asylum because I don't see one single person being sane right now.

Derrick: THE HELL!



Oh wow, would you look at this. It didn't even take a couple of minutes before we were actually screaming at each other again. I mean this was defintely over the top since I could see our dear father still standing there and following our discussion. Maybe it was the point where he listend to me explaining that they were all insane or it was just something else that made him finally bust out. Can't blame him. Someone had to after all make sure that us baboons wouldn't go and rip each others head off.


Of course that word was enough for us to fall silent and look at the duke, our father, and Penel standing right next to him. Something told me that this was not about to end well for me. Hmm... this was just as feeling but I didn't liked it at all.

This was also why I quickly made a glance at the choices I had about right now. This seemed as if there was a chance right now. I could basically smell it and I too knew it wanted to kill me but I needed a laugh right now so I had a look at the choices.

-) Beg for forgiveness

-) Attack everyone and start a tantrum.

-) Scream your lungs out.

For once I couldn't agree more with this system. I actually wanted to scream my lungs out and throw a tantrum and then attack and rip all their heads off but that didn't seem possible since they were mainly main characters of this game as well as support characters and there was no way I could kill thim simply like that at all.

Me: PPffffff-

In the end I could only snicker a bit about the choices. I don't know why but I had hoped for something more insane, something on the line of... look there is a window, jump or there is a sword go threaten them all. This seemed more fitting for a villain after all but right now I had to aactually think or not.... No matter how hard I would think about this shit, I wouldn't care about anything at all.

Ducke: What's so funny?

Me: Everything.

Ducke: Eyplain...

Me: How about the fact that they could have killed me without any remorse?

When I said that I looked at Derrick and Reynold and pointed at them as welll. This was soo not lady like and this was also not something I should have done probably but who cares at this point.

Derrick: WHAT?!

Reynold: WHAT?!

Duke: Everyone out.

Derrick: ... 

Reynold: BUT!

Duke: Leave her alone!

That was indeed a good and wise action right there but little did I know that everyone including the Duke would leave and start talking outside my room. Were they really thinking that I couldn't hear them at all? Doors and Walls have ears and it's not like the walls were that thick as well. This was really ridiculous which made  me laugh out loud and even burst out laughing soo hard that I fell down to my knees holding my stomach and some tears back.

Reynold: I am telling you she lost it.

Duke: I didn't asked for this. Now someone explain to me what happened!

Penel: It seems as if the lady was served some rotten food.

Duke: After she refused to eat she is getting something rotten? Do we not have anything else? Are you thinking the Eckard are a joke?

Penel: No Sire. I will go to the bottom of this.

Derrick: What should we do with her though?

Duke: Call a doctor over.

Derrick: Father, she is not sane anymore.

Duke: That is not for you to judge.

Reynold: I agree with brother! She attacked him.

Duke: Why should she do that?

Derrick: She is the mad dog of our house. Does there need to be another reason?

Duke: I should have raised you better. Did you all care for her? 


There was some more silence which made me burst out louder. Care? Was there anyone who ever cared for Penelope? No. There was no one who ever cared for her at all.

Duke: I myself have let her down and I now came to understand this but right now she needs our care to get back to her self.

Reynold: What if she doesn't?

Duke: She is your sister. Take care of her.


Duke: BUT SHE IS AN ECKARD!!! Do I have to say more?

Derrick: No. We will see to it.

Duke: Good and one more thing. If I hear anything about mistreatment, I will have both of your heads and Reynold don't think I do not hear anything in this house only because I have tolerated it for years. I know how you two treated her. I just hoped that she would step up and say something herself.... unfortunetly.... I have made a grave mistake... I should have stepped up sooner.

After this I just heard some hurried footsteps. Were they really thinking I was insane? That I have lost it? That I was a hopeless case? Was this it? Oh well... I will make it hell for them for sure! I was not one to let anyone mistreat me at all!ß

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