The system is at fault!

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So we started heading towards the entrance of this cave and got inside and of course nothing could have gone without any troubles. Like I knew already that something would come up our way. It was not even surprising at this point. What does a good horror movie or drama movie teaach us? That there is always somethign lurking around and trying to kill the main character or the villain. I was not sure if I was the hero or the villain here but one thing was for sure. With the system in place, I could definitely count as main character which kinda is getting me in trouble like always.

Motherfucking system!

Why are you not helping at all!

You want me dead here or what?

I was walking this path down the rabbit hole, in this case the cave and then all of the sudden we got seperated and now here I was all alone in the dark and I was a bit panicking. Not gonna lie, I hated being in the dark which didn't make anything better at all.

Me: Hello?!

Nothing... or at least nothing human like came as a respond. I heard some things but I couldn't really say what it was.

Now is a really good time to help!

Like REALLY good time to help!

As if the system could hear my pleas which was already a miracle, I could see the pop up menus. There was not really much I could chose from but the fighting option sounded sweet so I chose that and even ignored the rest of the option. One of the option was after all to run. Where in the heck was I supposed to run anyways?

So once I said fight and actually hit that imaginary button in mid air, I could feel my whole body moving. It felt weird at first but soon I felt as if it was normal and I was glad I didn't had to control my body because there were soo many damn huge crickets and spiders that I as an arachnophobiac, would have run away. I don't like insects but spiders are something I couldn't take at all. It was that thing that had 8 eyes and was as huge as the whole tunnel.... yeah no... I would have run but I was glad that the system kinda took over and just grilled and burned everything to dust.

Me: At least you are handy for one thing....

Once it was all over, I could see some arrows and the system prompt said it was some kind of reward. Well fuck this reward, this was nothing but a hindrance and it was bothersome too. Why was I here? Why me? Why Penelope? Why someone who basically shouldn't be here nor should know any kind of magic at all?! How was that possible? And am I loosing my mind?


I was too far into everything to lose my mind.

I wouldn't call myself sane thought too.

Me: Meet up with Winter... pfff... as if that is a reward. How about actually giving me one and letting me go?


No respond...

I knew this would happening but I couldn't resist asking anyways. Since I didn't really had any other choice, I startd following the arrows and oohh look. I indeed found Winter there. Though it was not as if that was a good thing. For now I had something against this man. He might be the solution to my problem on surviving but knowing that he would briing Ivonne to the duke... was just a huge nope. He could be considered my enemy... but the same time this whole world could be considered my enemy. 

That wouldn't be good as well. So I wanted to ignore that fact and focus on the now and this place as well because let's face it. Something told me that we would encounter something god like because this motherfucking system had said something earlier about fighting a god. Not that any of the options were leading to something else than actually here. Why should it now be only letting me go without fighting it? Didn't make much sense.

Winter: Are you okay?

Me: Yeah...

Winter: Thank good. The moment we got seperated, I tried to find you as fast as possible.

Me: I am fine...

Winter: I am glad....

Me: Where are we?

Winter: Around centered of the island... I would say that at least.

Me: Huh.... alright... guess there is only one way we can go.

Winter: Yes.

Just like that we continued walking the path that would for sure get us in trouble.... OH WHY DO WE HAD TO DO THIS AGAIN?! Oh yeah the system... screw that little bitch.

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