What do you want me to do?!

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Alright... why does this surprise me? Nothing should surprise me anymore and here we are in the middle of a cave path that is leading us to in the middle of nowhere with some lunatics in a huge cave room that seem to be prasing something. To top this off, everyone was wearing some black robes which kinda made me feel overdressed. If I had known that there is a dress code, I would have for sure worn something black. BUT I was not invited to this party and I was about to crash it.

Also would you look at these children there? They seemed happy being scared and actually chained and in some kind of barrier magic and what am I talking about? I had no idea what was going on at all. This just felt wrong and let's face it nothing about what we were seeing was good or normal.

Fucking system who had send me to who knows where....

Me: What a lunacy...

It was something I had somehow managed to surpress and just whisper out loud. I hoped that Winter didn't catch it but you know what the man did? There was really no hope for us at all. This man who could protect us and do everything there is to get us to safety is actually running down the path and I was pretty sure he was about to fight the living crap out of his soul. Nothing seemed good. Nothing seemed normal... but you know what? This was not the part that surprised me.

What surprised me was the fact that there was not some fancy god there at all. Is that a good sign or not? I couldn't tell that much.

Me: Fuck...

Winter started running not waiting for me and he started to attack the people to free the kids. I was just standing there watching until I saw a mirror and the system was so nice to pop up again.

Oh hey my dear fucking enemy.

I seriously didn't expect you here.... now what do you have in store for me today?

The system prompt was simple... it gave me 3 choices and each one of them was the same one.


Screaming might not be the best thing to do but I did it anyways which made everyone look at my direction. Did I care? Nope. Should I care? Probably! I mean these people were obviously the bad guys and the fucking system should go to an insane asylum and dig a grave for its own there.

System prompt:

Please chose an option:

- Fight god

- Fight god

- Fight god

Well shit... I was screwed and at this point... I didn't know what to do. Obviously this system really needed a piece of my mind but that was not something I could do or that it would care about. All it cared was this world and it wanted me to die. Thanks a lot! Now what was I supposed to do here? Was there even an option to get out of this place? I couldn't find a decline or back or whatever crash option for the system at all. There were just three options and all of them are the same. Should I just klick one? Should I try run? What was I supposed to do?



Throw a fit?

Oh you know what, I heard high-heels are a good weapon. Should I try it out and throw my ... wait I didn't even had high heels on. So what was I supposed to do? Claw with my nails and go at it?


What a joke everything was. I didn't know anything at all and here I was supposed to fight god with nothing more but my words? I as Penelope was an aristocrat and of course her body was slim and pretty much underweight if I wouldn't have started to change things around but I was still far from my perspective of being normal. Now what chances did I had being this thin against... what? 1...2....3....4........ nope too many of them not to even start with that they seemed to be all male and they can wield magic. 

What could I do?

Curse... and that a lot.

Now let's rethink this again and add an option to that which would let me get back home and and safe as well... may add some cup of tea and a piece of cake too when we are at it cause I need some fees for my emotional damage after all this shit for sure!

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