Let's be honest here....

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Oh my god! 


Did I think that this knight would bitch slap me right away for that?


But he sure did and it even echoed around. 


What a lunatic....

You think I will let him slap me just like that? 

My plan was to actually have my father, the doctors and whoever was in the room too to listen to what was going on, how I was being treated and basically everything else. Oh well you know what? They want me to be the damn Mad DOG of this house then let me show you how a real dog bites back. I am not tamed! I am gonna go wild here.

So that slap not only echoed but I was basically thrown down to the ground as well. Alright, I didn't had much strength but this little was also not normal. AND OH MY GOD was I flabbergasted right now. I couldn't believe what just happened and it took me a good couple of seconds to actually regain my consciousness.

Did he just...




Now I know why they call me a mad dog of Eckart.

I simply couldn't take that act of violence at all and stood up. Before I actually decided to care for my surroundings, I smiled at the man before me who was my escort knight and then kicked him right in between his legs. He did deserve it and he wasn't even wearing an armour or full armour at all. This just made it better because in matter of minutes he fell down on the ground.

Me: Just returning the favor back. No need to bitch slap me you mad dog.

He was definitely on the loosing end and I was soo gonna be written off as the mad dog for sure. There was not even a single chance that they wouldn't do that especially since I found myself being watched by them. Then again I should have acted up a bit more instead of just looking at them and then turning away walking the other direction leaving the poor man there.




He definitely was screaming and cursing me but I didn't care as I continued to walk off in the distance. Someone was for sure about to do something against the man. I repaid him for the bitchslap which stil hurt and left him there. 

Now where was it...

I remember there was this fountain and a small little lake... 

I wonder if I can find the lake...



Without any plan at all, I was starting to walk here and there and it was when my feet starting to hurt that I kinda decided to screw everything and found a tree to climb up and hide there in peace. Wow... I never got this much rest before. Somehow it felt more secure being up in the tree than down there. Now what is this telling us?

Of course, that this fucking house is not w place to be at all.

I should run away and not look back at all. Who knows maybe if I ran away, then my life would be better than this now. Ah who knows. I was thinking about what would actually happen. I think my voice was alright and I could manage to sing for sure. Maybe do some street performance? Was that an actual thing here?

If not then I could for sure invent something. How could I not know about some basic stuff like how to clean up water aka making a filter, or how to make scented candles maybe even some soap. The only reason I knew how to make soap and candles was because I got tired of buying some and decided to go all natural as well as carving them in a beautiful shape. I should manage to do that for sure. Yeah... I should definitely manage to do that.

Soo if worse comes to worse, I will just open up a small shop or even a bakery and do some dishes no one ever knew about, a restaurant is also an option for sure. 

There were soo many possibilities and then there was me in a tree thinking nothing would actually work because I am the villain of this god forsaken story.... Yeah as i thought about that, I could already hear someone screaming my name and it had to be my damn brother too.... wait why in the world was I still refraining to him as my brother. They didn't even care if I was here or not for them I am the dog they picked up from the streets and pitied. Nothing more and nothing less.

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