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"[Y/N]!! We need archers!" I handed the basket of medicinal herbs to my little brother, nudging him toward the cabin.

"Mikey, go get anyone that can fight, okay?"

"Okay!" The boy ran off with the basket, dodging demigods as they ran to the border. "Archers! We need archers! It's our time to shine!"

I rolled my eyes at his enthusiasm, grabbed my bow and quiver, and raced toward the border. "Archers! Ready!"

Once I saw enough had their bows, I continued. "Aim!"

I aimed as a Cyclops stumbled through the trees, chasing three — nearly dead — demigods. "FIRE!"

As the volley sailed through the air, I rushed forward and extended my wings, using them to propel myself toward the injured demigods. I hissed when the Cyclops grabbed the demigod I was trying to grab, barely turning in time to avoid his legs. Once I saw the other demigods were catching up, I flew at the tall girl and picked her up, clenching my jaw when I noticed how close she was to passing out. 'If she's in bad shape, I can't imagine what the other two look like,' I frowned as I flew us through the protection barrier.

I called for a stretcher, tucking my wings away as the girl shut her eyes. 'Hurry up!' I rushed to meet the stretcher once it was in sight, carefully placing the girl on it. 'I'll check on her personally.' Once my sibling rushed off with the injured girl, I ran back to the battle, firing arrow after arrow at the monster while demigods worked to get the injured back to camp. 'A Cyclops of this strength has never chased demigods this close to camp before. Who are these three?! Why do the gods want them dead so bad?!'

After ten minutes, we managed to get everyone behind the magical barrier, angering the monster. I fired a final arrow, huffing in anger when it missed the creature's eye. 'At least it's leaving now,' I gritted my teeth when the monster punched the barrier before turning around and leaving. 'Damned monsters.' My head spun when the sound of hooves approaching reached me, making me take a deep breath before I turned to face Chiron.

"Who are those three? Why would such a strong Cyclops chase them this close to camp?" I asked the centaur as we walked further into the camp.

Chiron frowned and stroked his beard, his eyes fixated on the medical tents. "I can only assume one is related to me."

"...Excuse me?"

"I mean, one of them is my niece or nephew," The centaur chuckled. "Most likely, one of them is a child of one of my brothers."

"We could have...?"

"A child of Zeus, Poseidon, or Hades in camp? Yes."

I whistled as we stopped in front of the tents. "...If they are a child of Zeus or Poseidon, I hope they're nothing like their father."

"[Y/N]! Chiron!" My Father beamed as he walked out of the tent, three folders in his hands. "The information for your new patients."

"My new patients?! I-I can't handle three patients at once! Th-they're-!"

"[Y/N], you're my daughter," My Father reminded me as he handed me the files. "But that doesn't mean you're doing this alone. Your brother and sister will help, but I'm putting their primary care in your hands."


"I'll be here the whole time, too, don't worry. I believe in you; that's why I'm giving you this challenge."

"...Okay," I sighed and opened the first file. "Hunter? No last name?"

"Oh!" My Father snapped his fingers, making a last name appear on the paper. "Hekate refuses to use the human Father's last name, so she chose that one for her daughter."

Guardian Angel [Lesbian!OC x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now