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"..." The goddess paused, eyeing us before sighing. "Oh, who am I kidding?! Look who I'm talking to. Two of the three most notorious workaholics I've ever met."

I sputtered over my words, trying to say something to prove the goddess wrong but finding nothing.

"Witch got your tongue?" Aphrodite giggled and patted my cheek. "Go, enjoy your date. This is my garden, not your boss's; you don't have to work on it. It's your last night here anyway."

"Ugh, don't remind me," Hunter and I grumbled in unison — the three of us giggling shortly after that.

"You know you can have similar experiences in the castle, right?"

Hunter sighed and nodded. "Costin's still too young not to want to be around his Moms is the thing. Isa has three girlfriends-"

"Sounds like he has four other Mothers," Aphrodite interjected. "Who I would assume would be more than willing to watch their son so you two can go on a date."

The witch shifted from foot to foot and cleared her throat. "Well, yeah, but-"


"But?" Aphrodite pressed, making Hunter glance my way and sigh.

"I don't want our dates to be reserved for just the castle. Isa and the triplets are stuck in the castle for their dates, so I promised them that if [Y/N] and I ever got together again and went on dates-"

"They'd be out of the castle so that you can tell them about the scenery," I finished for her, watching Hunter nod.

"...How sweet!" Aphrodite giggled before engulfing Hunter in a hug. "You're such a good friend to them — all of them."

"I know, I know," Hunter chuckled, her cheeks turning pink from the Love Goddess's proximity and praise.

'I can't even blame her. I get flustered around 'Dite too.'

"I heard that~!"

I tensed before sending the woman a small glare. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"It's normal to get flustered around me. Isa does."

"That's because you openly ask them if they want to have sex with you," Hunter deadpanned. "You know how flustered Isa gets when you're direct like that."

"Didn't Isa date your daughter?" I asked the goddess.

"...What's your point? I can still be curious about what sex with them would be like...Hunter-!"


I snorted softly at Hunter's immediate response. "Babe-"

"It doesn't have to be when your Sunflower's here," Aphrodite giggled.

"No, it's weird," Hunter chuckled. "What is wrong with you gods?"

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "We're going to enjoy our date now," I beamed, dragging Hunter away from the goddess. "You know she only says that stuff to confuse and rile you both up, right?"

"I pray you're right."

"She admitted it to me when we all thought you two were dead — I think I'm right."

Hunter tossed her head back and laughed. "That makes sense. You know... Persephone's garden has Asphodel from the Underworld...It's a pretty flower."

"Is this you saying you want to pick me one?" I giggled, clinging to her arm as we left the back of the garden.

Guardian Angel [Lesbian!OC x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now