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Young Cass (9 y/o) POV

"Dani!" I called from the bottom of the stairs, buzzing anxiously when she didn't answer. "Dani! Don't make me get Mother!"

"Don't be a snitch!" Daniela huffed as she swarmed down the stairs, a book clutched between her arms. "...I couldn't find the book I wanted Mother to read..."

'...I'll search later,' I rolled my eyes and pulled her toward the dining hall. "That's not as important as being on time! Mother Miranda will be here! We can't be late to meet her!"

Daniela pouted and set the book on a cart as we passed it, knowing a maid would take it back for her. "...Then I don't need that..."

'...Dani...' I squeezed her hand as we took our seats — Bela relaxing when she saw I had returned with Daniela. "...Mother will help us find your favorite book and she'll read it to us tonight, okay?"

"No! I don't need help! I'll find it!"

"...Dani, don't be stubborn," Bela scolded her, making Daniela pout more. "We want you to be happy, Dani, so let us help."

Tears rolled down Daniela's cheeks. "I-It's gone! I-I saw someone th-threw it in the fi-fire! ...There's no finding it..."

"...Is that so?" Mother's disappointed tone filled the air. "Doina?"

"I'll find out who right away, my Lady," The blonde bowed despite the fear I could smell. 'Even she's afraid of us... Maybe we are monsters...'

First Person POV

'...Cass...' I paused in my painting when Cassandra went silent. "Do you want to skip ahead in the story?"

"...Yeah..." Cassandra cleared her throat before explaining what happened. "We found the maid — she supplied blood for wine and her flesh and organs were used for food."

"And did you ever get another copy of that book?"

"When Aunt Donna heard what happened, she found a copy — bought it from a villager — and brought it over immediately. Dani was happy," Cassandra smiled, making me lean over to view her painting.

The painting held her Mother on a couch — book in hand — with the triplets sprawled out, cuddling into Alcina. "Was that the result?"

"It was. Not every night was like that, but it was the one that ended up being my first large painting."

"Cute! This is one of the first ones I painted as well," I hummed and focused on my painting. "It was the first Summer that Mother took me to the beach. Father joined a little bit later, so I added him to the painting."

"...How fun was it?" I giggled at Cassandra's interest before beginning the story.

Year: ????

"Mama!" I called and rushed out of my room, my latest sketch in my hands. "Where's Dad?!"

"He's pulling the Sun today," My Mother cooed before kissing my head. "He's going to land on a beach for sunset — we can head there and wait for him."

"Please?! I want to show him this!"

"Can I see it?"

"Not yet!" I pouted, keeping it out of her sight. "You have to see it together!"

"Okay," My Mother laughed and handed me a folder. "Put it in here so it's safe."

"Okay," I murmured, quickly putting the drawing away before taking her hand. "Can we swim?!"

Guardian Angel [Lesbian!OC x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now