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A Year Later

"Sunray, come here a sec?" My Father called from his office.

Ever since the end of the war, I have been living with him on Olympus — now occasionally going back to camp in summer to help train new demigods. "Coming!"

I raced up the stairs before opening his office door, catching my breath. "Didn't I tell you to take it easy?! You're still recovering!"

"I'm fine," I wheezed before walking over to his desk. "What did you need?"

"Ever been to Romania? I need some medicine delivered to a castle there."

"No, so this will be new," I muttered as he handed me a bag. "Who's this for?"

"...You should sit down," My Father said with a straight face, making my heart drop. "There's something I've been keeping from you, and you'll understand once you get to the location."

"...What could possibly be in Romania that has any tie to me?"

"An old General. And an old crush."

My eyes widened in shock as my heart dropped to my stomach. '...It's been a year since the war ended... Since they were all declared...'

"I've known for a while — as has Isa's family — but I was asked to keep it from people. You don't deserve to be kept in-."

"Yet you kept me in the dark for how long?!"

"[Y/N], there's a reason-!"

"Give me the address," I growled and extended my wings. "I need to process this information anyway."

"Sunray," My Father started before I glared at him, making him sigh and write down the address and coordinates. "...The castle's here. But, Sunray, you should know-."

I walked to and opened the window before he could finish speaking, leaping out of the space and spreading my wings wider to fly. 'They've been alive all this time?! Why didn't he tell me that Hunter was alive, at least!? Even if she's dating someone else, I'd still want to make sure my friend is alive.' I blinked away the tears that blurred my vision, knowing I'd want to see my path for the long flight. 'Last time I wasn't paying attention, I got a lot of engine smoke in my lungs. I guess that's another reason Dad wanted me to wait to leave. I can't be around the gods right now anyway.'

My wings grew tired as I finally crossed the ocean, forcing me to find a forest to land in and rest. I sat down and nearly threw the bag in frustration, almost forgetting that it had medicine in it. With a frown, I sat down and quickly opened the bag, immediately noticing the dosages weren't for Isa or Hunter in the first pocket. 'These are too low, even for a demigod just getting to camp. Hell, these are doses I've never seen made by Father before — ever!' A weight settled on my chest as a thought crossed my mind.

'...Did Hunter have a kid with someone before the war and return to her after it ended? Is that... Is that why I wasn't told? Is that what Dad wanted to tell me? Either way, I have to get this medicine to them. Even if I am heartbroken, I can't let a sick kid stay sick.' Once my energy came back, I retook flight, occasionally checking the GPS on my watch to make sure I was headed in the right direction. 'I do need to thank cousin Hermes for blessing me with more speed — then again, I know he did it so I can help him with deliveries.'

'You should still thank me!'

'Get out of my head, I'm flying!'

'Don't you daydream about-?'

Guardian Angel [Lesbian!OC x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now