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I slowly stopped talking and cleared my throat. "But I'm sure you're sick of hearing me talk by now, so I'll-."

"Who said that?" Hunter scoffed, offended. "I certainly didn't."


"But what? But what if you keep rambling? Go ahead. You're adorable when you do. Your eyes sparkle the entire time, and it's like I have the sun in the palm of my hands — especially when you're leaning into or holding onto me. Keep going."


"There you are," Hunter hummed and joined me on the balcony, stopping slightly behind me as I leaned on the railing. "Want a massage?"

"After we watch the sunset?" I pouted at the witch, making her laugh and lean beside me, her eyes scanning my face as she sipped some water.

"Fine with me, my love."

I grinned and pecked Hunter's lips, sitting in a lounge chair before patting the lounge chair beside me. "Let's enjoy it."

Hunter joined me immediately, earning a giggle from me. "What?"


"Wh-?! It's not nothing! What is it?"

I giggled and shook my head. "I promise! Don't worry about it!"

Hunter narrowed her eyes at me before moving closer, making me freeze and watch her closely. "Tell me, or I start tickling you."

"...You're lucky it's because I don't want to kick you," I huffed softly with a faint smile. "I just love how fast your responses to join me always are. It warms my heart."

Hunter's cheeks turned pink as she hovered over me, a soft huff escaping her. "...It's because your happiness is my top priority."

I slid my hands to her cheeks and smiled, splaying my fingers across her face. "I'll say it every time — you never fail to make me happy."

Hunter leaned down and connected our lips in a soft kiss, letting me slide my hands over her cheeks and into her hair. I shifted to let her lie on top of me, parting my lips when her tongue prodded for entrance. The witch wasted no time sliding her tongue into my mouth to deepen the kiss, earning soft moans from us both. 'Such a hopeless romantic.'

I frowned when she broke the kiss, quickly chasing the witch's lips to reconnect our lips. Hunter chuckled into the kiss, letting me take the lead. The witch moved her hands to my hips and pulled me closer, the setting light warming my skin as I slowly broke the kiss. My eyes fluttered open when our lips finally separated, bringing one hand back to her cheek and brushing my thumb over her cheekbone slowly.

"I love kissing you."

"I can tell," Hunter teased, making me roll my eyes playfully.

"Don't act like you don't do the same thing," I snorted while locking eyes with her, watching the different shades of purple swirl deep in her eyes. "I never realized how many different shades of purple are in your eyes."


"Violet, lavender, orchid, and amethyst near your pupils," I smiled at how intricate her eyes were. "Slight differences for the most part, but noticeable. Especially in this light."

"Don't get lost in them," Hunter murmured with a smirk and a blush on her cheeks. "My Mother's the goddess of witchcraft; who knows what spell you'll fall under if you stare too long."

Guardian Angel [Lesbian!OC x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now