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I cleared my throat while Hunter backed away and I wiped her lipstick from my lips. "Ye-yeah, sh-she does."

"I think you might as well."

"Bela, please!" Hunter hissed as her face turned a deeper shade of red.

The woman laughed. "I'm just shocked she forgave you easier than you imagined."

"I've decided that my anger is better placed with the fates," I muttered after clearing my throat. "...And it's hard to stay mad at people I've always loved."

"I got lucky," Hunter snorted. "There are some children of Apollo that utilize his power over medicine and the plague for evil or revenge. Sunflower could've easily been the same way — especially after what happened — so I got extremely nervous about how she'd react. Now that she's mad at the fates and we're starting over..."

"Letting you kiss her like that is an interesting way to start over," Bela hummed, a teasing gleam in her eyes. "Well, I'll return to the others and let you two get back to... Whatever you were planning on doing."

"I-I have to set everything up!" I squeaked and moved away from Hunter.

"I have to get back to work," Hunter muttered, walking to the door. "If she needs help, she'll ask for it. Se-see you around, Sunflower."

"Ye-yeah," I muttered with a smile. "See you around."

Once they were gone, I let out a sigh and fanned my face. 'I should get started.'

Two Weeks Later

After two weeks, my office was to my liking — my first patient being Costin. I smiled when Hunter carried him in, waiting for her to take a seat before beginning. "How's he been reacting around the maids?"

"Still a little jumpy," Hunter sighed as the boy chewed on a teething ring. "But after breakfast, he's calmer. I don't know how he'll handle the new maids, however. We get them tomorrow, and it's the one thing Isa's been freaking out about."

"Mm, that's why their blood pressure was high," I muttered while writing in Costin's file. "He's going to break that."

Hunter glanced down at Costin, sighing when he'd bite and pull at the ring. "This will be the third one this week."

"...It's Tuesday."

"Exactly," She sighed before taking it from him. "But watch what happens."

The usually calm child's eyes turned violet as he threw a tantrum, tears rolling down his cheeks. '...This boy...'

When she gave it back, Costin sniffled and slowly calmed down, chewing on the ring. "Do you see my dilemma?"

"Sadly. Surely there's a protection spell you can cast on it."

"I was hoping to find an option that doesn't involve magic."

"...I'll try to think of one then."

"Thank you," She giggled before kissing his head. "Are you going to let her examine you this time?"


"...Is that a 'yes'?"

"It wasn't a 'no,' so try taking him."

"If he bites me," I grumbled while carefully lifting Costin. "We're not going on that date tonight."

Hunter blinked slowly and squinted at her son. "Behave."

Guardian Angel [Lesbian!OC x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now