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"Good Morning, [Y/N]," Norna smiled at me as they wheeled in a cart. "Hunter sends her apologies for not being able to bring your breakfast. Costin spit up."

I giggled and waved off the apology. "He's a baby, it happens. If it were concerning, I would've been told by now."


"I know she asked you to tell me," I giggled, taking my plate from the poor thing. "Were you always this nervous? Or did that come after Thor... You know?"

"...After? Most thought I was nervous because I was soft-spoken, but it only started after — to my knowledge."

"So it is trauma," I hummed and took a bite of my food. "If you ever wish to work through that, I'd gladly help you."

Norna smiled and a light blush appeared on their cheeks. "Re-really? The only person other than Freyja that's wanted to help was..."

"...Heimdall?!" I gasped in shock. 'No way he's doing it out of the kindness of his heart! Norna has to be a good fuck.'

"Mhm! H-he's nice, I'm telling you! He just doesn't like people knowing that."

"...I just... I can't believe it. Your mentor's brother was set on fire. By him! He's not a nice god!"

"He has his moments?"

"He's really that good in bed, huh?"

Norna's face turned crimson as they quickly shook their head, fumbling over her words until managing to form a sentence. "I-I'm a vi-virgin!"

"...Oh... Then why is he helping you? What's his angle?"

"...Is he only helping me to sleep with me?"

'I hope not,' My heart broke at the insecure tone of Norna's voice. "...I doubt it. Heimdall, despite being a complete dick, doesn't lie often. If he says he cares about you — he's not helping just to sleep with you — then I'd believe it. It's just hard for most of us to imagine that happening. Maybe if we ever saw how he was around you, that could change."

Norna nodded nervously, her eyes darting to the ground. "Well, he's never said that either..."

"Ask him the next time you see him."

"I-I don't... I don't know. Wh-what if you're right and that's-!?"

"If he is helping you just to have sex, then I'll kick his ass — somehow — and you can stay here forever instead of returning to Asgard."

"That... That works, yeah," Norna muttered with a smile. "I hope that doesn't happen, but I am curious about... Uhm... There are a lot of pretty women here."

I raised an eyebrow and giggled. "There are. Do you want to get to know them? Think you might be attracted to women too?"

"M-maybe? I-I don't know."

"Well, I'm sure most of the maids wouldn't mind experimenting with you if you asked. The ladies — the triplets — are dating Isa, so they're a 'no-go' and I'm pretty sure the lady has a crush herself... I could help you find a few maids that could help you figure out your sexuality."

"Wait, wait, wait! Isa's dating triplets?!"

"Mhm! They have some sort of agreement that works for them."

"...You can date more than one person?"

"Well, that's a bit more complicated, but yes. As long as your partner's fine with it as well."

Guardian Angel [Lesbian!OC x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now