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warning(s): NSFW, grinding/dry humping, blowjob

ηλιοτρόπιο — Sunflower

Είμαι ερωτευμένος μαζί σου — I'm in love with you

"I know," I giggled before crashing our lips together, taking the lead as the witch moaned and melted into the kiss. "I'm going to show you how much I love you now."

My hand wrapped around the witch's throat as I took control of the kiss before Hunter could put up more of a fight, smirking at her shudder and moan. I slowly rolled my hips over hers, focusing more on the kiss than anything else. The witch whined into my mouth, letting me keep control of the kiss while we continued to return our lips to one another, continuing to kiss until Hunter tilted her head back.

I trailed my lips to the witch's neck, softly groaning when she whimpered my name. 'Intoxicating,' My mouth left a trail of kisses and bite marks down the witch's throat, pulling back slowly to admire my work. 'And all mine.' I leaned forward and ghosted my lips over the reddening marks, planting a kiss on the underside of Hunter's jaw before returning to her lips.

My hands drifted to the hem of the witch's shirt before removing it at an agonizing pace, smirking when Hunter bucked her hips with a whine. 'I said I'd make love to you,' Once the shirt was tossed to the side, I pinned Hunter's wrists above her head and let my gaze slowly trail down her body. Lightly scarred, pale skin met my gaze — begging to be marked up so anyone would know Hunter was taken.

"Sunflower," I shuddered at the whine Hunter let out, her body squirming when I began lowering my face to her chest. "D-don't tease."

"Not teasing," I husked over her chest, peppering kisses to outline her bra. "Worshipping."

"It's teasing," The witch huffed when my lips mouthed at her clothed nipples. "ηλιοτρόπιο."

"Already whining in your native tongue?" I teased, dragging my tongue over her clothed nipple, knowing Hekate only let Hunter learn English to be around the demigods at camp. "Are you that desperate to have my strap inside you?"

"Yes," Hunter whined, arching her back in order to press her chest closer to my mouth. "Please!"

"One day, I'm going to tie you up and worship every inch of your body," I playfully growled against her covered breasts, slipping a hand behind her and unclipping Hunter's bra, tossing it to the side. "But for now, I want these," I hummed, groping her breasts once they were freed. "So soft."

I lowered my mouth to her nipple, sucking it into my mouth and pulling a content sigh from the witch. My eyes fluttered shut while I licked and sucked her sensitive nipple, pinching and rolling the other nipple between my fingers. Hunter sighed in pleasure, rolling her hips into mine with a needy whine passing her lips. 'So needy,' I released her nipple, smirking at the trail of saliva connecting us before swapping to the other. 'But you can wait a bit, Hunter.'

The witch's hands gripped my hips and began guiding my hips, making me chuckle against her breast — sucking and licking her nipple until she tried pushing my head down her body. 'She is close,' I smirked while releasing Hunter's nipple, forcing our hips to stop and pulling a long whine out of the witch. 'I might as well give her what she wants.'

I shifted, lowering my kisses until I reached her waistband, letting my eyes lift to lock with Hunter's. The various shades of purple that made up the witch's eyes were nowhere to be seen, her pupils blown out by lust. I slowly pulled her length out, letting my gaze flicker to it before locking with Hunter's again as I lowered my mouth onto her.

The witch let out a long groan as I took her entire length, her head lulling back at the eye contact during the action. A soft Fuck left the witch's lips when my head began bobbing, her hips rolling into me with soft moans escaping her. I smirked when it didn't take long for Hunter's thrusts to pick up, a loud moan leaving her lips before her release shot down my throat. With a soft hum, I swallowed around her until she stopped, slowly swirling my tongue around Hunter's length as I made my way back up it.

"Είμαι ερωτευμένος μαζί σου."

"I could've told you that," I giggled and straddled her lap again. "I'm in love with you, too."

Hunter smiled and sat up, pecking my lips when I met her halfway. "And that fact makes it easier to get out of bed every morning."

"Careful," I giggled against her lips. "I might have to start making sure you never even think about the opposite being possible."

"I wouldn't complain."

"That's because you're so sickeningly in love with me."

"And proud of it."

"After this date," I smiled, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "Neither of us will question if we love each other."

"No one will," Hunter promised as I connected our lips and lowered myself onto her length.


"Good Morning," Hunter rasped as I entered the room with a cart of food. "You cooked?"

"I wanted to spoil you, too," I admitted, pushing the cart to the bed. "Plus, I couldn't fall asleep even after your attempts."

"Funny, I slept like a baby," Hunter chuckled as I sat down and handed her the plate. "With an excellent taste on my tongue."

"You're the worst!" I laughed and took my plate, the two of us eating and laughing until it was time to shower and pack our things.

"Aphrodite wants her castle back by three," Hunter hummed, the two of us sprawled on the bed after the wind spirits carried the cart and our dishes away after we finished eating. "We should shower and pack our things."

"Five more minutes," I murmured, nuzzling into the witch's neck. "I know you don't mind holding me."

"Good point."

"Ready?" I asked, slowly opening the front door to the castle. "Let's see how Costin reacts."

"More than ready," Hunter giggled, shutting the door behind us before clearing her throat. "Sunshine! I'm home!"

'She actually calls Costin Sunshine? That's adorable!' I smiled at the witch, taking in her features as the triplets swarmed Costin into the space. Hunter's face softened, her eyes filling with love when Costin giggled and reached for his Mother. 'I'll never tire of seeing her this soft and loving. One day, she'll look at our child like that.'

"I'll trade you," Daniela giggled, holding Costin close. "Your son for your girlfriend."

"...If she didn't owe you details about our date, I would try to find a way to get Costin and keep my Sunflower."

"Believe me, I know," Dani giggled as she carried Costin over, handing him to Hunter. "I'm so excited!"

"I can tell," I laughed, kissing Costin's forehead. "I'll see you soon, Little One! Be good for Mommy."

"Come on!" Daniela giggled, pulling me to her sisters. "As detailed as possible."

"Within reason."

The triplets nodded and agreed. "Well, duh!"

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