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Warning(s): NSFW/Smut, Oral Sex/Blowjob, (Switch Y/N and Hunter but a decent amount of Hunter bottoming), Overstimulation, Mistress Kink, Praise Kink, Wet Dream, Multiple Orgasms

enjoy the spicy dream <3
κοριτσάκι — baby girl


"What do you say?"

"Pl-please, κοριτσάκι," Hunter whimpered, her body squirming on the bed. "L-let me see."

"Were you a good girl?" I hummed while straddling the witch, grinding on her hard length. "Do you deserve to see what's under this robe?"

"I-I was! I di-didn't touch m-myself!"

"You didn't? Not even once?" I pouted and leaned down, ghosting my lips over hers. "I thought you loved touching yourself to the thought of me."

"I-I do! Bu-but I pro-promised you that I-I wouldn't until we co-could do this! I-I kept my pr-promise!"

"You did," I dragged out before sighing. "And you look so pretty in your lingerie... Fine, Pretty Girl, I'll let you see."

"Th-thank you, Mistress."

I kissed Hunter's cheek before untying the knot on my robe, slowly opening it to reveal nothing underneath. Hunter's length throbbed and her hips bucked, making me moan softly. 'She wasn't expecting that. What a cute reaction.' I slid my hands up her abdomen, stopping when I cupped her breasts.


"Hm?" I hummed before smiling at the witch.

"...Do you like them?"

'At a time like this? Well, it makes sense,' I shook off the 'doctor' part of my brain and leaned down, happily kissing her breasts. "Love them. Love touching them, kissing, licking, sucking... But mostly? I love how they make you feel."

Hunter smiled and looked away, a blush spreading across her face. "Sh-shut u-up!"

I giggled and kissed her cheek again, massaging her breasts with a hum. "It's true! Knowing they make you happy, makes me love them more. I should leave marks on them so you'll always know how much I love them."

"...Be my guest," The witch smiled and arched her back, pushing her chest toward me.

"Just remember; You're not allowed to cum until I say so. Deal?"


"Good girl," I purred, trailing my lips to her chest. "You did soundproof the room with magic, right?"


"Good," I breathed and removed her bra, wrapping my lips around her nipple.

I licked and sucked the sensitive nub, shuddering at the witch's moans. My hips moved slowly, causing the witch to whimper and moan as her hips mindlessly thrust up. 'I have been edging her for a while,' My eyes fluttered shut while my hand played with Hunter's nipple, making the witch gasp and moan my name. 'And she followed orders... Fine.' When I released her nipple, Hunter shuddered and pulled at the rope keeping her wrists tied to the headboard, making me smile at her.

The witch sucked in a sharp breath when I shifted and began kissing down her abdomen, dragging a hand to her clothed length. 'I still can't believe that she likes it when I'm in charge,' My hand moved slowly, making Hunter whimper and throb under my touch. 'I always thought she'd be nervous about bottoming.'

Guardian Angel [Lesbian!OC x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now