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Fairy lights decorated the room as Hunter walked me to the picnic blanket in front of the fireplace. We sat down and she opened the basket, taking the food out carefully. 'They went all out for this,' I smiled before opening the bottle of wine. 'Even this is from Dionysus himself... Rich people.' After pouring our glasses, I handed one to Hunter and smiled at her.

"So, what was it like raising Costin until now?"

Hunter laughed before sipping her wine. "Are you sure you want to talk about this? We can-"

"I'm curious!" I promised with a laugh. "Now that he isn't terrified of me, I see what a sweetheart he is. Was he always like that?"

"Mhm. He loves cuddling," The witch smiled as we began eating. "Maybe next time we have days off together, we can spend the day with him?"

"Are you suggesting a day of cuddling and relaxing?"

"Maybe," Hunter giggled and sipped her wine. "Is it a date?"

I giggled after sipping my wine, leaning over to whisper in her ear. "Ask again when I walk you to your room."

"Awe, you'll walk me to my room?"

"It's my job to treat a lady," I mused and went back to eating. "Tell me a story."


"Anything. I just like hearing you talk."

Hunter snorted as she set her glass down. "That was gay."

"...So are you?!" I laughed and scooted closer to her. "Now, tell me a story!"

"Okay!" She giggled, our hands briefly touching when I leaned back on my hands — the witch pulling hers away with a blush. "How about when I told my Mother about you?"

"Oh, absolutely!"

"That means you have to tell me the story of when you told your Father."

"Deal," I giggled, my eyes drifting to the slit in her dress. "...Why that dress?"

"To make sure your eyes were on me," Hunter admitted, shifting the exposed leg to show more of her flesh. "Did it work?"

"Mhm," I hummed, trying to pry my eyes away from her thigh. "Temptress."

Hunter giggled before starting her story. "It was after our second summer at camp. When we returned to the Underworld, Basil and Isa took off for the castle, but I went to find my Mother."

"She doesn't live in the castle?"

"Not many gods do. They all have their own places in the Underworld, the castle is for the royal family, and Nyx and her children."

"That makes sense. Continue."

Hunter giggled, bringing my eyes to her face and letting me take in the makeup she wore — not a lot, but enough to bring attention to her eyes and lips. "When I got home, Mother was working on a potion — something for the Queen — but she stopped when I told her I needed to ask her about... 'Someone that made me smile every time I saw her,' was how I worded it."

My heart skipped a beat when she turned and locked eyes with me, trying to ignore the urge to kiss her. "I-I... Is this why you call me 'Sunflower'? Am I finally getting that story?"

"Maybe," She giggled, violet eyes full of joy and admiration. "My Mother sat me down, and I told her when the feeling started — immediately. You caught my eye right away, but that first summer... I thought it was just because you saved my life, so I didn't think to mention it all that often. She already knew that I wanted to get back to camp to see someone, this was just the first time I went into detail. As soon as she heard me mention that you were a daughter of Apollo, she laughed."

Guardian Angel [Lesbian!OC x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now