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The triplets nodded and agreed. "Well, duh!"

"Ready?" Hunter smiled from the doorway while I fixed my hair. "Because you look stunning."

"Aphrodite gave me some jewelry to wear, but I can't pick," I pouted at the witch, smiling when she began walking over, her hands sliding over my hips as her gaze landed on the jewelry. "Will you help me?"

"The earrings are nice," Hunter hummed and picked them up, holding them up to my ears. "Especially paired with the rings or necklace."

"...I do like the rings," I murmured, watching Hunter put the earrings down and pick up the necklace, holding it against me as if she had clasped it together.

"I like the necklace," Hunter hummed, ghosting her lips over my neck, her eyes following the necklace as it dipped down my chest.

"Down girl," I whispered when her gaze lingered. "Date first."

"So, necklace?"

I laughed and turned around when she set the necklace down, gently pushing her away. "Go, I'll be out in a minute. You still never told me what we're doing!"

"Dionysus is throwing a party!" The witch giggled and opened the door. "He asked me to attend with you so the gods can see how happy you are now."

"He's such an annoying uncle," I laughed, knowing that was his excuse for wanting to see how happy I was. 'Dionysus can't ever admit that he cares.'

"If it helps, there are a lot of others that share that sentiment and will be there."

"We both know the real reason he's throwing it though."

"It's his way of saying he cares," Hunter laughed as I joined her after putting on the jewelry.

Hunter slowly took in my form, looping her arm through mine and kissing my cheek. I smiled as we began the walk through the castle, briefly pausing at the main entrance. 'I just pray the gods don't ask too many questions,' As we left and headed to Dionysus's palace, I traced patterns on the witch's arm, trying to focus on something other than how hot she looked in that dress.

When we arrived, Dionysus greeted us and announced the start of the party, pushing us to a table shortly after. I rolled my eyes, relaxing when Hunter leaned against my shoulder, her hand sliding across my back to my other shoulder as she leaned forward to kiss my temple. 'I've died and gone to Elysium,' I concluded when Hunter eased my head to her chest, helping me relax further while the witch gently dragged her nails up and down my back.

"...You two look so natural together," Dionysus sighed, his eyes fading from wine-red to a dark brown. "Even with the obstacles and bumps in the road. I have to admit, you two are more resilient than I thought. I'm glad you found each other again."

"As am I," I hummed, kissing Hunter's cheek. "Now, Uncle, I know you want to discuss business..."

"The vampire you work for," He grinned, eyes gleaming with intrigue. "I'd like to have her taste my wine, and if she likes it, I can supply her business with a new line."

"Do you gods ever take a break from making deals with people?"

"It's how we live, dear niece; you should know this. Especially considering what the fates have in store for all of you."

"...What's that supposed to mean?"

"Time will tell."

Hunter groaned. "I hate it when you gods do that."

"Apollo recently received a prophecy. It's yet to be given to the Oracle, which usually means it has something to do with one of his children."

My body tensed. "It could always be-"

"If it were one of your siblings, he would've told the rest of us — at least, myself and Hermes — what he heard anyway. It's about you."

"Oh, great," I huffed. "You know what? No more of that. We're meant to be enjoying ourselves."

Hunter nodded and began moving away from Dionysus. "Like mingling, dancing, and drinking." The night carried on with the aforementioned activities, ending with us stumbling back to Aphrodite's palace — giggling through a retelling of an old camp story. "I st-still can't believe I-Isa and S-Sora-na made out b-behi-behind your cabin."

"You drank way more than you should've," I giggled at the witch's broken speech. "I guess this means I'm taking care of you."


"My Sun," I sighed as I helped her sit on a loveseat. "Let me take care of you."


"A sunflower needs a sun to point to," I giggled and pecked her lips. "I'll get you some more water and food."

"Then cuddles."

"Fine, but you have to agree to let me up whenever I need to get you more water."

"...I make no such promises."

"It was worth a shot," I sighed with a smile, heading to the kitchen. "I won't be long!"

After finally deciding on something quick to make myself and Hunter and putting it in the oven, I glanced at the entrance of the kitchen as it opened. Hunter shuffled forward with a pout, making me smile and roll my eyes. "You took forever."

"It's barely been two minutes."

"Yeah! Forever!"

"Come here, you big baby," I laughed,  hopping on the counter before opening my arms for her. "I'll hold you while our food's in the oven."


"That's how a lot of our dates went," I hummed. "Talking, reminiscing, cuddling, eating, and the occasional alcoholic beverage. We'd also take walks around Olympus — Cass, I can describe some of the places we went if you wanted to paint them."

"I'd love that!" Cassandra beamed.

"Do you have any stories to tell me?" Daniela pouted, making me tilt my head.

"I may have a few."

"And me?" Bela hummed and smiled.

"I'm sure I have a few that will entertain you as well."

"Did you really call Hunter your 'Sun' though?"

"No," I giggled. "I admit, I added it for Dani, but I did want to say it. I simply called her 'Baby' like I normally do."

"What about that prophecy your Uncle mentioned?" Cassandra brought up, pulling a sigh from me.

"I don't know. Prophecies don't always come true immediately. Sometimes a prophecy can exist for hundreds of years — or longer — before it happens. I wasn't going to ruin our weekend with worrying about it. I'll ask about it another day."

"May I have my girlfriend back?" Hunter chuckled after finding us — Costin clinging to her with a smile. "Someone wants his other Mommy."

"Give him here," I softly giggled, taking the boy as he reached for me. "Hi, Costin!"


so i was thinking, maybe time skip to just before the beginning of RE Village for next chapter? pick things up a bit/get a bit of info on that prophecy before the story catches up with the events in game?

so since Feb 9, 2021 = Start of RE Village the time skip will probably take us to January 2021

(that includes another date and smut chapter before everything goes down and before anyone asks, no, the lesbians will not die)

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