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New Character: Norna Mette Falkdottir

Pronouns: Any (mostly She/They though)

Sexuality: Pansexual

More about Norna in the chapter! Also, for the Norse gods (Freyja, Fryer, Heimdall, etc) I use references to God of War Ragnarök for personalities and appearances!


I woke to a knock on my door, glaring at the time as another knock sounded. "What?!"

"You're needed," Hunter giggled on the other side of the door. "New maids means you need to do physicals."

"I hate being the only doctor," I groaned and rolled out of bed. "I'll be out in five!"

"...Didn't sleep long?"

"Neither did you!"

Hunter laughed. "That's why I made us breakfast. Hurry and join me."

I smiled and stood up. "Well, glad I decided to take a shower before I went to sleep."

"Isa's still asleep too, so it'll be a mini date."

"I do miss those," I muttered while changing clothes. "Nearly ready."

Hunter giggled on the other side of the door. "You got out of bed fast after hearing that."

"After hearing that you made breakfast? Absolutely."

I smiled at Hunter after leaving my room. "You can help me set up for the physicals after too."

"What all do you need for it?"

"Mm, not much. Miranda had their medical files updated the day she went to recruit them — at least, that's what she claims — so I'll just need blood samples. I'll need someone to help me label and sort the samples before I have to test them — make sure they aren't sick — and I can't have Dani around the blood."

"Yeah, I'll help!"

"...I forgot what it was like to have you ready to jump at the chance to help me," I giggled as we entered the kitchen, smiling at the simple breakfast she made. "Hm, only enough for two?"

"You know why," Hunter grumbled through her smile, leading me to the island and offering me a cup of tea. "No coffee in the castle — Cass hates the smell."


"She made an...Example of the last maid who brought coffee beans in and made coffee."

I blinked in shock before giggling. "Wow, noted. Does Isa drink coffee? I thought-"

"They'll drink under very specific circumstances — it has to be made a certain way or they hate it. They love tea, however, and so do the Dimitrescu's, so that's all that's allowed in the castle."

"What do the maids do if they don't like tea? Or prefer coffee?"

"If they prefer coffee, we have a few maids that go and get coffee from the village. I usually join to make sure they don't try anything and when we get back to the castle, those maids join us outside. Isa usually starts a campfire for us to stand around until they finish their coffee — unless it's too cold, snowing, or a storm's coming, then they can drink inside the castle. Cassandra's just usually a bit more aggressive that day. If they don't like either or don't want to deal with that, there's plenty of other drinks, but we usually make them hot chocolate."

"What an interesting reaction," I muttered and sipped my drink. "Maybe I can work on that with her. Do they like the hot chocolate?"

"That's what they say. What do you 'Maybe I can work on that with her'? ...Are you a therapist now?!"

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