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Warning(s): NSWF/Smut, Oral/Vaginal/Anal sex, Handjob/Fingering

I paused and considered my options. 'This weekend is our third date, and we promised we wouldn't have sex until then...that doesn't mean a handjob is out of the question. That could make her hornier though...'

"[Y/N]," Hunter groaned, making me undress. "Fuck, Sunflower."

'Well, now I'm just curious,' I quietly stepped into the shower, smiling when I noticed the witch's eyes were closed. "Need some help?"

Hunter paused her movements and gasped, her eyes flying open in shock. "W-we just have to wait until this weekend-"

"To have sex," I reminded her. "I wasn't offering sex, just my hand."

The witch laughed and let her hand drop, her other one guiding me closer to her. "You're such a temptress."

A smile spread across my face as I wrapped my hand around her shaft. "It fuels your imagination, doesn't it?"

"Gods, yes," She moaned as I began pumping my hand. "Especially after a long day."

"Like today?" I giggled and kissed her jaw. "I heard you were running around all day because of the new maids constantly messing up. You must've been so happy to finally unwind and think of me."

Hunter's hips bucked as she nodded. "S-so happy-"

"What did you imagine?" When the witch shook her head, I huffed softly and kissed down her neck. "You can tell me, Baby Girl. Maybe I'll make it come true someday."

"F-fuck, okay!" Hunter moaned after I bit her neck, letting her thrust into my hand as she explained.

"[Y/N]? What are you doing in here?" Hunter asked as she pushed a cart of cleaning supplies into the room.

"What I always do," I shrugged and untied the knot of my robe, making the witch quickly shut the door.

"What are you doing?!"

"Taking care of my wings," I hummed nonchalantly and let the robe slide off, my wings extending to soak in the sunlight. "And restoring my power."

"Why are you naked?! Y-you don't-"

"Are you not enjoying the view?"

"I-...I never said that."

I smirked and glanced over at her, letting my gaze drop to the tent in her pants. "Wearing pants today? Are all of your skirts dirty? Thinking about me too much?"


I motioned her to me, watching her walk over as if she were in a trance. "Need some help?"

"Th-that's when yo-you came in," Hunter groaned when my lips moved to her breasts.

"Hm? Want to fuck me when I have my wings out?" I giggled before taking her nipple in my mouth — licking and sucking the sensitive bud.

"Fuck, yes," Hunter admitted with a gasp, causing me to pump my hand as she thrust. "You'd l-look glorious — wings ou-out, mo-moaning my n-name, bathed in s-sun-sunlight... Fuck!"

I released her nipple while she moaned and her thrusts slowed down, watching her release at the thought. When her hips stopped, I gave a few more pumps before releasing her length, connecting our lips a second later. Hunter cupped my cheek and deepened the kiss, pulling my body closer to hers. I slid a hand up her body, wrapping my arms around her neck while her other arm wrapped around my waist. 'Always ready for a kiss after,' I mentally noted. 'Now I know how to punish her if I ever have to.'

Guardian Angel [Lesbian!OC x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now