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Feb 1, 2021 — 8 Days before the Start of RE Village

"Hunter," I hummed, massaging her the witch's thighs. "Wake up."


I huffed and smacked her thigh, smirking when the witch yelped, her eyes flying open in shock. "Wake. Up."

"Why? It's my day off!"

"I know. It's my day off, too."

Realization hit Hunter as a grin spread across her face, causing her to sit up and happily connect our lips. "Mm, so we have all day as a date."

"I have something planned," I giggled, grabbing the camera I bought from the Duke yesterday before he left. "For the triplets. This way, they can see the places we describe and tell them about. And so we can document our dates."

"Never knew you for the type," The witch hummed, running a hand through her black and white hair. "I always did like the cliché though. So, where to today?"

"Greece. The triplets wanted to see the birthplace of our parents — see our roots. A little trip to Olympos Village on the Karpathos island."

"Oh? Well, I have always wanted to visit Karpathos. Mother never got the chance to take me, so it'll be a first for me."

"For me, too," I giggled. "Father wouldn't take me to the islands — only the mainland."

"Perfect location then," Hunter hummed, kissing my jaw and neck with a smile. "I take it I'll create a portal for us?"

"Unless you want me to try carrying you while flying that distance-"

"I trust you, but not to fly me that far."

"I agree," I snorted. "Even I don't trust myself to carry you that far. You know...We could bring Costin. Make it a small family outing and a partial date. We could show Isa the photos, too, so they don't miss out on seeing Costin's reactions."

"Iris can call them," Hunter suggested. "That way, we see their reactions live and can still take photos for later."

"Always one step ahead," I pouted, earning a peck on the lips. "I'll let everyone know the plan while you get ready."

"I'll be waiting in the shower for you, but I'll go ahead and get our outfits ready."

I laughed and moved off of her lap. "Fine, fine."

"Ready, Costin?" I asked the toddler, picking him up when he reached for me. "Did you give them all kisses?"

"Uh-huh!" The boy smiled, holding a necklace in his hands. "Mama give me this!"

"Is that Mama's necklace?"


"Well, let's put it on you," I hummed, setting him on the back of the couch to put the necklace on the boy, smiling at Hunter when she entered the room with everyone else. "Show Mommy."

"Mommy! Look!" Costin giggled, lifting the raven skull necklace enough to show Hunter.

"I see Mama let you have their favorite necklace for the trip," Hunter giggled, picking the boy up and spinning with him before pulling Costin in for a hug and a cheek kiss — earning a squeal and string of giggles from the toddler. "You look so handsome with it!"

I smiled and lifted the camera, snapping a few photos of the action before glancing at Isa, who held our bags. "When there's a spell to protect them..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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