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Daniela POV

"Hunter!" I called, gliding out of the library. "Where'd that witch go?"

"Here," Hunter hummed before taking a bite of an apple. "What'd you want?"

"Isn't your little crush a doctor? Why are you eating that?"

Hunter's face turned as red as the apple in her hand, making the woman fumble over her words. "Sh-she's a healer, yes, b-but..."

I giggled and wrapped my arms around her left arm. "Tell me about her? You only tell Costin stories, and that doesn't count because he's too little to remember!"

"He does smile and giggle though."

"Because he sees how happy it makes you," I pointed out as she guided me into her room. "Did you ever take her on a date?!"

"Uh, the closest we got was a quest together — just us, for once — in France. I took her to a small commune... I think she had fun."

"Tell me about it!" I giggled as we sat on her bed. "It's your day off, and Cassandra's putting Costin down for his nap, so he's with her."

Hunter sighed with a smile. "Alright, fine... I'll warn you, though; Don't get your hopes up if you ever meet her. Just because my feelings for her are still strong, doesn't mean she'll forgive me for what happened."

"It wasn't your fault."

"We knew the risks and we still did it... It is my fault."

"It was an accident."

"There's always-"

"It can happen even if you did wear a condom," I cut her off with a growl. "As someone in medical practice, I'm sure she'll know that."

Hunter let out a light laugh before turning her head to lock eyes with me. "That, shockingly, did help a little bit. Alright, I'll tell you the entire story of the quest."

"I love a good romance," I giggled with a purr. "This better be great, or we're finding a way to reunite you two for a new date."

Hunter POV

Year: 20??

Location: Crissay-Sur-Manse, France

"We're sure the artifact is near here?" The angel sighed as she stretched. "...It is nice here, not gonna lie."

"Near? Yes," I promised before walking backward so I was facing her. "For now, Sunflower, let's enjoy this small community! We've been traveling for a while — you flew us over the ocean — I'm sure you're hungry."

"Hunter Vlahos, are you asking me on a lunch date?"

"That depends, would you say 'yes' if I were?"

"That depends on if you're asking."

'Gods, I love her,' I nearly swooned when she walked past me with a smirk. "So that is a 'yes'?!"

[Y/N] glanced over her shoulder before she laughed and pulled me after her. "If you find a decent restaurant."

"Challenge accepted."

Daniela POV

"Wait-?! Did she want it to be a date?! Does she like you back?! Why didn't you-?!"

"Dani," Hunter laughed and covered my mouth, despite the risk that came with it. "At the time, neither of us admitted our feelings. I think I was too scared, honestly... I'm trans, Dani... Not everyone is accepting of that. Not everyone acknowledges that I'm a woman."

Guardian Angel [Lesbian!OC x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now