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After a long rest, I woke with a long groan, stretching my arms before my wings extended. An exhausted sigh escaped me as my wings draped over my body and the bed, nearly forgetting I was in a foreign place. 'It's too dark to be home,' A frown tugged at my lips, my wings immediately tucking away as I sat up. '...Where am I?'

Memories from yesterday slowly returned, each one leaving a burning sensation in my throat and a twist in my gut. 'Right... My crush and former best friend have a kid together and have been alive all this time with no contact! Yeah, still not happy about that.' I unlocked and opened my door, noticing a change of clothes and a note.

'[Y/N], I hope I got your size right. Sadly, all we have are maid dresses, but I know you'll want to bathe and change clothes. There should already be towels and soap in the bathroom. Hunter's still asleep but won't be for much longer; you should hurry if you want to be in control of when you see her.' I carried the clothes inside and shut the door again, walking to the bathroom with a sigh. 'At least Isa's keeping their word and letting me meet Hunter on my own time.'

I shut the bathroom door and began running bathwater, undressing after setting the new clothes on the sink. My eyes landed on the scars on my back in the mirror, a frown appearing on my face at the sight. I brought a hand up, brushing my fingers over the burning scar. 'I overdid it... Father's going to be so disappointed when I return. I don't want another lecture, though.' Once undressed, I stepped into the bath and sat down, sighing as my muscles relaxed. 'At least water doesn't irritate the scars. I hope that dress doesn't either. Dad always makes sure my clothes are silky.'

After washing up, I stared into the water at my reflection, frowning at the pang in my chest. 'I could just leave... Go home, never seeing Hunter... No, she ran from this. I can't. We have to face each other eventually.' I rinsed off and got out of the tub, draining it as I dried myself off. After getting dressed, I left the bathroom and stopped at the door of the room, hesitantly grabbing the handle.

I took a deep breath and opened the door, my heart dropping when I didn't see Hunter there. 'Don't know what I was expecting... She doesn't even know I'm here, so how would she know to check here?' Once I stepped into the hall, a swarm of flies made its way to me, making me jump and take a step back until the vampire from yesterday appeared.

"Oh, it's you. Bela, wasn't it?"

"Indeed," The woman giggled before motioning for me to follow her. "Isa told me to find you once you woke up. They're explaining to my family that you're here and to be treated as a friend. All they told them last night was not to enter your room."

"Great as always with keeping people in the loop," I hissed, noticing the frown on Bela's face. "...You like them, don't you?"

"Technically, Isa's dating my sisters and myself. Were they like that in the war, too?"

"Not with me," I muttered and crossed my arms while following her. "I was on the council — received every detail as the lead healer... Didn't you three ever worry?"

"Of course we did! Then, we got to know them better and realized Isa's feelings were for us alone. And Hunter? She was focused on being a Mom, but we could tell she was missing something. Now I know it was a person, not an object."

"...Did either of them ever talk about me?"

"Isa didn't like talking about their past," Bela shook her head. "Especially the war. Hunter, on the other hand... I've heard her telling stories to Costin to help him sleep — and yes, ones that included you."

Guardian Angel [Lesbian!OC x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now