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"Sunflower," Hunter whispered as she clasped a necklace for me, her lips ghosting over my neck. "How do you get more beautiful every time I see you?"

"I could ask you the same thing," I giggled and leaned into her arms, smiling at the heart locket she put on me. "Can I look now?"

"Yeah," She murmured before sitting on the edge of my vanity, drawing my attention to her exposed thigh. "That's not the locket."

"It's kissable," I huffed and opened the locket, smiling at the photos of us. "This first one..."

"Is from the first time you thought I was dead," Hunter hummed and pulled me closer. "My Mother had it made, so it's actually a magic locket. The photos change every day to new ones of us. The left side will always display photos from camp — our past. The right side will show more recent events."

"You really know how to charm a girl," I giggled, wrapping my arms around her waist. "Shall we-?"

I stopped when piercing cries filled the air, earning groans from both of us. 'Of all the nights to be difficult, he chooses tonight?'

"MOMMY!" I moved out of Hunter's way, following her as she rushed out of the room.

"I'm sorry," Isa murmured when we reached them as they bounced Costin and rubbed his back. "He must've had a nightmare. I got it-"

"No, look at him," I frowned and walked over to Costin, watching as he reached for Hunter. "It was a nightmare involving Hunter. He needs to be sure it's not real — that she's alive and okay."

"This is not how I wanted our second date to go," Hunter whispered as Costin seemed to finally settle a bit now that we were in Hunter's room. "I'd understand if you-"

"This could be a nice date too," I cut her off with a frown. "Just because we have a little addition to the date, doesn't mean it can't be a good date. It's not like we plan to do anything too much tonight. That's for the third date."

'Ignoring what happened That morning.'

"...So we're ignoring-?"


Hunter snorted softly as she tried to hold in her laugh. "Okay, alright. You make the rules, boss."

"You're damn right I do," I murmured with a giggle and kissed her cheek, glancing down at Costin when he stirred. "Shh, it's okay, Costin. Mommy's got you, you can relax."

I rested my head on Hunter's shoulder as she ran her fingers through the boy's hair, caressing the locket with a smile on my face. 'Talk about stealing my heart,' My eyes fluttered shut as Hunter began to hum. 'Once Costin's asleep, we can get back to our date without Hunter being concerned.' A smile twitched on my face when I felt her lips press against my forehead in a gentle kiss. 'She's so gentle with me,' My heart fluttered. 'Gods... I'm madly in love.'

My eyes cracked open when a whine left Costin, watching him readjust and cling to Hunter's dress. I rubbed circles on his back, noticing him relax soon after. '...Was he upset because he couldn't sense me?' A happy sigh left me as my eyes shut again, earning a soft giggle from the witch.

"Looks like he takes after you," I murmured with a faint smirk. "He likes being cuddled to sleep."

"Says the angel that happily cuddles me any chance she gets," Hunter snorted. "Maybe he's seen how cuddly you get and wanted to copy you."

Guardian Angel [Lesbian!OC x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now